I know how you all like to brag about how ferkin fast yer are aroond Monza
in yer zippy little Lotus, how yah start to bubble when the frame rate hits
2, how you "finished 2nd" because the AI bloke driving the soupped up banger
that beat yah is a cheating little ***er and blah blah is better than blah
blah 2...and so on......
But howz about putting your little ditties of sim racing stories in a post
from the postieman...?
Like this...(er excuse the language..)
Its 7.30 and pitch black ootside.
I'm hunched over me wheel with the plastic to the floor sweating like a
Its Spa....
I'm in 3rd place...NEVER been higher, I'm so tense I could crack a walnut
with me arse cheeks...tongue sticking out of me gob in rapt concentration..
Me mechanic gives me the board....3 laps ter go as I bomb down by the pits,
arse wobbling like a jelly on the plate.........
"Grip for ***s sake...!!!!!!!" I shout thanking God that the missus is out
for the night.
"Oh Oh........shite.." I gulp...
For there in the mirror is that bastard Clark...getting closer and closer...
"Don't you even ***ing think about it..!!" as I shift up from 4th to 5th,
engine squealing like a pig.
"Wahhhhhhhhhh haaaayyyyy.." I burp as I head down and up over the rise of
that dangerous ***er of a turn.....Ea Rouge...I think..!!!!!
Glance left, right...
"Where'd dat *** get toooooooooo nnnnnnnnnooooooshittttttt.."
With a mighty roar and a higho silver, Clark jinks to the left and powers
past me on the right giving me the ***ing finger.........
"Yer ***ing poncey shite......." I scream in my helmet as he disappears in
the distance.
I grip the wheel slavering like a lunatic...........eh..!!!!!!! what the
The car begins to shake and wobble........
"A puncture.......!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhh"
..........straight over the nearest ***ing hedge..............game over.
A little while later.......
The mechanic is standing there with hands on hips looking as pissed as a
"And what the *** do you call that then.............!!!!!!!!!!"
Anyone else got AI tales to tell...make a change from listening to the usual
Master of the arse over***manoever.