can I stop that from happening for awhile? Also any urls on AI tweaking
would be appreciated! (I got a third place in a monza novice race
yesterday! Want to see if I can actually win one)
In gpl_ai.ini, find [ magic ] section. there is a variable called
npt_override. Set it to 1.0
could be wrong, I deleted what all these things meant, but kept a list of
all the adjustments that are recommended for most games.
> rms
> In gpl_ai.ini, find [ magic ] section. there is a variable called
> npt_override. Set it to 1.0
> could be wrong, I deleted what all these things meant, but kept a list of
> all the adjustments that are recommended for most games.
> > Hi, I remember seeing here that the AI adjusts itself to your laptimes,
> how
> > can I stop that from happening for awhile? Also any urls on AI tweaking
> > would be appreciated! (I got a third place in a monza novice race
> > yesterday! Want to see if I can actually win one)
> > rms
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