nearly full right and the "adjust with speed" slider full right.
Unfortunately there's a bug, which causes the FF to decrease, when moving
the "adjust with speed" slider right.
Does anyone know a trick to increase the FF?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.--- way... SCGT only recognizes the 1rst 4 Buttons, unfortunately the
paddles are the last ones (The last one is bitten by the dog, we say)
BTW, I managed to increase not the FF but at least the withstand of the
wheel by turning on "return to middle position" in windows control panel.
In most games this option does only move the wheel to the middle after
retiring from a race, in SCGT you get a NASCAR Rev-like strength on the
wheel, if you turn it on totally ...very macho!!!
yeah, but the more you increase return to center, the more you lose FF
effects. those 2 settings kinda act as opposites ! ;-(
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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
true, the FF gets spoiled by the withstand of the wheel.
I just wonder, why SCGT does not disable the "return to center" setting,
like every other game I played does!?! Normally this option is only enabled,
when playing without FF.
Any1 knows about other racing games, which do that?