Fortunately for me i dont do the season thing, but it is frustrating
as reloading the trach each time is frustrating. I thought this was a
local problem as I havent seen others posting it, but if you have it
too I guess its a bug.
I almost garantee three attempt to load before it finds my wheel
calibration., but when it doeas its fine.....go figure!!!
Try this....I don't know if it will work, but I seem to remember somebody
mentioning this.
Find different ways to exit F1 2001/2 i.e. if you regularly go right to
the replay, don't. Write yourself a note, and comeback and reload. If you
don't bother with replays, they try one...just find anything to alter the
normal exit you do(without hurting your system of course!)
Let me know if anything changes..for instance do the pedals loose
calibration after viewing replays? Do the pedals need to be recalibrated
after a test session or a quick race....Lets try and pin down if it happens
in EVERY instance or just after certain elements...
dave henrie
David G Fisher
OK. Mooooore testing! I just want to race! :-)