>>It's a 1st person shooter, but it gives a fantastic realistic feeling,
>>it's like being in a Tour of Duty episode.
>The game is pretty cool but it really needs some user interface work.
>I can only describe the interface as obtuse.
>Unlike Delta Force, there's no clear indicator of your objective or
>what you're supposed to be doing. The one time I followed a target
>indicator all the way to the source, it was just an empty space up in
>the sky, no one there (and AI buddy came along and just pointed his
>gun straight up and stood there).
>Lots of promise but I hope the polish up the UI before releasing it.
>Joe McGinn
>Radical Entertainment
With all respect Joe, but I don't think you understand how the
interface is working completely.. the objective in the demo mission is
clear.. go to that house and kill the enemy! You get a description of
your mission at the beginning, and if you press M you can check your
objective on the map. The yellow square you see leads you back to your
position in your formation, in the beginning that's next to your squad
leader, untill he gets killed.
Here's what I love about this 'game'. Yesterday I tried a demo-addon
mission called Red Woods. I was the leader of a squad, 12 soldiers,
and together with 3 other squads and a couple of bmp's we had to move
to the south to invade a village.
Ok, halfway we encounter a heavily wooded area. Suddenly enemy bmp's
and soldiers are sighted. The soldiers were ducking, seeking cover
behind trees, machine gun noise all around me and I didn't know where
the hell the enemy was. With the sound volume turned up to the max the
sound around me was ***y amazing and sounded real. My neighbours
must have thought WWIII had started.
I ducked behind a tree, grabbed my binoculars and started looking for
the enemy. I noticed a soldier, but only because he was firing his gun
and I could see his gunfire. I sneaker closer to him and took him out.
Then I saw some bullets hitting the sand right in front of me. Before
I realized what happened I was DEAD.
The camera then zoomed to the sniper who took me out.
In this game you are not a John Wayne on the battlefield, unlike other
games like Rainbow Six or Project IGI (both excellent games btw), you
are just one of many soldiers, and this gives me a realistic
battlefield experience like I never saw before.
Did you see the opening of Saving Private Ryan? Op. Flashpoint comes
so close to this experience.
I can imagine many 'kids' will disklike Flashpoint, calling it 'too
hard' and even 'unfair', but hey, on the battlefield nothing is fair.