OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!


OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Jagg » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 18:13:00

Yea, it doesn't interest me either.

Yes, must be something wrong with your system because it plays fine on

Andre Warrin

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Andre Warrin » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 18:07:40

>> but it gives a fantastic realistic feeling

>Absolutely, very immersive experience once you've got the hang of the keys
>and control/order system. I don't have a lot of time for games (***
>flight sims and GPL don't count, right? <g>) but I try to look at most
>demos to keep in touch with the *** world. And this is *very* good

>Andrew McP... spending too much time climbing hills and ambushing tank
>columns with his bazooka.

About keys - press the 'V' key for a -realistic- scope view!
Played it the whole evening yesterday - this IS the GPL of 3d
shooters! :)



OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by andre » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:46:56

It's for Playstation 1 -

check out this review...

If you have PS1, and like this kinda stuff, pick it up. There are some
hokey parts, but, well,... read the review.

It's like  a blend of a bunch of great tactical shooters...

Unbelievable atmosphere, too - one mission is through a big museum,
where in one section you come out of the back corridors right into a
Mars landing set... really cool!

> <snip>
> >Faves:

> >Syphon Filter - too f-ing hard in later missions, but fantastic..

> Is this game for the pc? Never heard of it, what kind of game is it?

> Andre


OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by andre » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:48:12


I Love Need For Speed (PU, anyway)

And Love GPL! (but I need way way way more free time to practice...)

> >It's no GPL...

> Funny you mention this..
> I told a couple of typical Quake 3 players about Op. Flashpoint, and
> they told me they thought it sucked bigtime..
> I felt the same as when I tried to convince a Need for Speed fan that
> GPL is really more fun once you get the hang of it..

> Andre

> >>This post is COMPLETELY off-topic, but I stumbled upon this site,
> >>downloaded the demo and I was amazed:
> >>
> >>It's a 1st person shooter, but it gives a fantastic realistic feeling,
> >>it's like being in a Tour of Duty episode.
> >>And you can also drive around in jeeps and trucks so it's a little bit
> >>on-topic :)
> >>I haven't read anything about this game, so the more amazed I was when
> >>I tried the demo.

> >>Also keep an eye out for the game Black and White, which should be
> >>released the coming days, it should be an amazing game:
> >>
> >>It's from the same guy who made Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Magic Carpet
> >>and Syndicate.

> >>Sorry for the off-topic, but I liked the demo of Op. Flashpoint so
> >>much that I wanted to share it with you.

> >>Andre

Simon Brow

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Simon Brow » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 22:02:45

System Shock 2 definitely has plenty of atmosphere and suspense, you really
need to play it with 4-speaker surround sound with the volume up and the
lights off to get the full effect (as with the Thief games, which are so
dark they can't be played in a lighted room).  SS2 will get your brain
working more than a game like HL since it has more tactical variety.  You
have to spend your *** modules astutely, repair and maintain your weapons,
manage your backpack (since you can only carry a limited amount), work out
which weapons and ammo are effective against which enemies, work out whether
to hack the security console or shoot the cameras.  Also I love games with
lots of objects you can pick up and drop since it makes the environments
seem more real, and SS2 has loads of them.   It also has a strong and
convincing design or 'style' running through the whole game.  Plus there's
co-op play for those with a network.

Anyway, in answer to your question, yes the action definitely picks up (a
lot) once you've got the better weapons and got off the first level.  If you
play the marine you can play SS2 more or less as a normal first person
shooter and spend all your points on your weapons.  If you get your standard
weapons skill to 6 and find an *** rifle you can have some real fun.
The OSA character class is basically the equivalent of a mage or wizard in a
fantasy RPG, and the Navy guy is the computer expert.  Plus if you do play
it, remember to read all the logs you get, since they tell the story.

Half-life is very good, and I've played it through three times now.  The one
thing I didn't like about HL though was how linear it was.  There was never
anywhere to go except where you were supposed to go.  That's only a minor
criticism though, overall it was excellent, particularly the monster
designs, AI, weapons and sound effects.  Awesome playability as well of
course, not to mention great fun online.

> On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 04:06:59 GMT, "Simon Brown"

> >How do System Shock 2 and Deus Ex compare in your view?  I haven't played
> >Deus Ex at all, but I read it wasn't as good as SS2, and that put me off
> >getting it.  To be honest I know virtually nothing about it.  Is it
> >or sci-fi?

> >System Shock 2 is possibly my favorite game of all time, along with Doom
> >(1+2), GPL, Thief (1+2) and Ultima Underworld 2.

> System Shock 2.. I bought it after reading a praising post about it
> here on RAS, I played it for a bit but it couldn't hold my attention.
> Is this one of those games that are boring at the beginning and
> becomes great after a while?
> Is the suspense in SS2 comparable to Half Life? (my favorite 3d game
> of all time)

> Andre

> >> And Deus Ex.

Simon Brow

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Simon Brow » Sat, 31 Mar 2001 22:33:44

Hehe, I know it well :)

You can cheat a little on this level.  That's the level where you start in
the back of a truck, and when you drop out of the truck there's a sniper up
on a hill to your left.  Once you've got the sniper, turn 90 degrees to your
right and get the patrolling guard, but when the camera isn't facing him.
Then get the camera (all three kills with the sniper rifle from long range).
Go into the area where the camera and the guard were and pick up the guards
AK-47, go get the grenades from the end warehouse on your left, and then you
want to kill the two guards in the middle hut for their ammo.

Once you've done this get back to where you started the level and look over
toward the far wall.  You'll see that past the trucks and beyond the cameras
theres a pile of crates.  If you jump ontop of these crates you can jump
straight over the wall (it might take two or three tries), which means you
don't have to worry about openning the gates and killing everyone in the
building.  If you time it right you can get past the cameras without setting
off the alarm (to get to the crates).

Once you're out of the base, go get the sniper rifle from the first guy you
killed on the level, the sniper on the hill.  Avoid the tank (if it appears)
and run over to the other side of the base (round the outside wall).  You
should now be heading toward the second base.  There's another sniper in a
tower on this hill, kill him from distance and get his rifle.  Don't ever
get close enough for snipers to see you.

Getting into the second base should be done via the ladder at the back
(right hand side), which leads onto the roof of one of the hangars with the
tanks in.  Once you're off the roof, head round to your right and round the
back on the big bunker.  Theres a door on the far side, and you need to go
in to get your map computer back.  Once you've got your computer back you
can leave the base by the main exit, but watch out for the guy in the front
of the bunker and the security camera.  There's also a medical hut with a
medi-syringe in it.  If the tanks activate, take them out with the two
rockets you picked up.  Almost forgot, as you leave the base theres a guy
with a fixed machine gun in a bunker, so you need to go round and kill him
before trying to leave.

Once you're out of that base you want to be back round the other side, near
the ladder where you entered from, and then off into the hills.  Theres a
tank you need to avoid, and you have to place your homing beacon on the AA
gun (and then run for it!).  Once you do three guys appear so take them out.
Then theres just the end little base, which only has a few guys in it.
There's a button to press in there, and then you have to get to the pick-up
point.  Be careful at the end of the level since there's a third sniper in a
tower in this area.

So there you go, that's how you do that level.  Some general advice, always
reload your weapon before you go into a fight (well, reload every chance you
get, it doesn't cost you any ammo).  Always use the right weapon to match
the danger posed by an enemy, and also to match the distance he is away.  If
the alarm gets turned on, try to find a button where you can turn it off.
The noise you make when shooting is located at your position, not where the
bullets hit, so if you can kill someone from a distance then you should do.
And use the gun with the silencer when you have it.

Last piece of advice, if you ever get to the end room on the end level, you
can kill the woman you're after through the window without any risk (she
doesn't appear until you go into the end room, so pop into it and back out).
After she's dead you need to get into the room and protect your colleague
who is disarming the bomb.  The only weapon which will give you a chance in
the end room is the JackHammer.  It must have took me over 50 tries to
finish the end level!

> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:52:42 GMT, "Simon Brown"

> >Have you tried Project IGI?

> Yes, I love it, but the no-save option becomes frustrating.. missions
> take more than an hour, and it's annoying to redo them again and
> again.
> At a certain moment I was in a level where I had to escape from a
> camp, go to another camp which was guarded by a couple of tanks and if
> I remember correct I had to invade that camp.
> Is that mission even possible without cheating??
> I gave up after numerous tries :(

> Andre

Andre Warrin

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Andre Warrin » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 00:01:48

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 13:33:44 GMT, "Simon Brown"

> If you jump ontop of these crates you can jump
>straight over the wall

LOL, never thought of that :)

Hey thanks for the walkthrough, gonna try it tonight :)


Andre Warrin

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Andre Warrin » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 00:03:44


>I Love Need For Speed (PU, anyway)

>And Love GPL! (but I need way way way more free time to practice...)

Yes I love PU too, I should have mentioned NFS 4 :)


>> >It's no GPL...

>> Funny you mention this..
>> I told a couple of typical Quake 3 players about Op. Flashpoint, and
>> they told me they thought it sucked bigtime..
>> I felt the same as when I tried to convince a Need for Speed fan that
>> GPL is really more fun once you get the hang of it..

>> Andre

>> >>This post is COMPLETELY off-topic, but I stumbled upon this site,
>> >>downloaded the demo and I was amazed:
>> >>
>> >>It's a 1st person shooter, but it gives a fantastic realistic feeling,
>> >>it's like being in a Tour of Duty episode.
>> >>And you can also drive around in jeeps and trucks so it's a little bit
>> >>on-topic :)
>> >>I haven't read anything about this game, so the more amazed I was when
>> >>I tried the demo.

>> >>Also keep an eye out for the game Black and White, which should be
>> >>released the coming days, it should be an amazing game:
>> >>
>> >>It's from the same guy who made Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Magic Carpet
>> >>and Syndicate.

>> >>Sorry for the off-topic, but I liked the demo of Op. Flashpoint so
>> >>much that I wanted to share it with you.

>> >>Andre


OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by BAGE » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 06:25:22

hey pw, what part of montana are you in.  i'm 60 miles out of missoula.

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by pw » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 12:22:06

20 miles south of Livingston, in Paradise Valley.  You are 60 miles
out of Missoula which way?

Just fished the Missouri today near Helena.  Caught a bruiser!
Snowing like crazy (about time!  Too late!)



OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Joe6 » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 15:42:25

>It's a 1st person shooter, but it gives a fantastic realistic feeling,
>it's like being in a Tour of Duty episode.

The game is pretty cool but it really needs some user interface work.
I can only describe the interface as obtuse.

Unlike Delta Force, there's no clear indicator of your objective or
what you're supposed to be doing. The one time I followed a target
indicator all the way to the source, it was just an empty space up in
the sky, no one there (and AI buddy came along and just pointed his
gun straight up and stood there).

Lots of promise but I hope the polish up the UI before releasing it.

Joe McGinn
Radical Entertainment

Lightning Ler

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Lightning Ler » Sun, 01 Apr 2001 19:05:29

     The Deus Ex question seems to have been missed. Allow me.
     Definately sci-fi. And definately a wonderful game; I played it through
twice. It is the brainchild of the same person who did SS2 and uses a more
refined version of the same interface. I purchased SS2 after completing Deus Ex
and haven't played it too much yet, but I'm sure if you liked SS2 you will like
Deus Ex.
     Deus Ex is one of those rare games (as is Project IGI) where you can use
stealth or bravado to complete the task at hand. Your character has upgradable
***-augumentations and skills which you must tailor to your style of play.
You may then, as I tell my wife I am doing, "save the world."
     There is a demo at but it's 130M+ and a second mission at 30M+.

     PC Gamer named Deus Ex their game of the year and there is to be a GOTY
version of it released with the multiplayer patch and possibly other missions
added. You may want to wait for that release.
     The OFP demo looks pretty good to me too, I'll probably buy it. It should
hold me over until Hidden & Dangerous 2.



OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by BAGE » Mon, 02 Apr 2001 02:03:16

60 miles north of missoula, 20 south of the flathead lake in the mission

most of my family resides in great falls.  nice area.  hope to move there
someday.  nice to see a fellow montanan on the boards.

Simon Brow

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Simon Brow » Mon, 02 Apr 2001 18:50:21

Thanks, looks like I'm gonna have to get this one.  I mention horror and
sci-fi, because although SS2 is definitely sci-fi, it's the horror in the
game that creates the atmosphere.  I love games that terrify.  I feel it
increases the immersion and believeability when a game can make you scared
to play it.

Andre Warring

OT!!! *** Op. Flashpoint *** OT!!!

by Andre Warring » Mon, 02 Apr 2001 19:57:09

On Sun, 01 Apr 2001 09:50:21 GMT, "Simon Brown"

>Thanks, looks like I'm gonna have to get this one.  I mention horror and
>sci-fi, because although SS2 is definitely sci-fi, it's the horror in the
>game that creates the atmosphere.  I love games that terrify.  I feel it
>increases the immersion and believeability when a game can make you scared
>to play it.

That's what I loved about Half Life, scared the sh*t out of me many
times.. No other game ever achieved this again for me.
I had high hopes for Undying, but I found that game simply boring..

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