Is it just me or do the computer cars (in tounaments and hot pursuit
mode) seem to catch up and pass you very quickly, then slow down so you
can pass them again. I seem to catch up to other cars quickly, take a
while to get past, then they stick right behind me. I had one incident
where I was doing really well through the Atlantic curcuit during a
tourament, passing everyone, but I could see on the map that they were
collecting into a pack just behind me.
And in hot pursuit, when you watch the replays, look closely at the
cop cars, you'll get a bit of distance on them, then all of sudden they
just fly through a corner you had to slow down on, so they are right
beside you again.
For some, this may make it more fun, with close racing etc., but I
find it terribly frustrating when one bad corner can see you go from 1st
to 8th.
Anyone else have this problem??