Hmm the games speed is not the question
it's the playability which is lacking and the graphics are terrible
the backgrounds are appalling, in 3dfx mode it simply glazes the
hideous pixels with a foggy mess, the sound is terrible too
it sounds like two bees in a jar.
The menus are appalling, the steering is unsensitive, the AI is
totally unrealistic, the worst thing though is the colour palette used
in the game all the colours are far too deep, it does not look natural
at all considering the palette available, 6500 colours the programmers have
a bit shallow.
It seems in this newsgroup that far too many people prop up this program as
bees knees and far better than anything available, but that's just so
I remember the fuss around the release of gp2, I used to check this news
group for
news of any demos or release dates etc, it was quite exiting and when gp2
came out I think most
people were quite rightly impressed.
Americans post this group quite regularly checking to see when the program
will be released in
their country,..its quite sad because every store in my town seems too have
a copy of the
godforsaken game.
I am not afraid to put my hand up and say that I purchased a bum game, I buy
many games and
have tried to like this one thinking it must be me!!, but all my pals are in
agreement and we thrash the shit
out of racing sims all the time. Unless UBISOFT release another version of
this program then my opinion will
continue to drop.
Hope that may help in your quest for the truth.
Save up your money and wait for gp3 or better still get psygnosis f1
may not be a simulator but looks better and is a lot more fun than f1rs.
Regards Paul Knox.
>>> I read an email from a fellow in France stating that F1RS is extremely
>>>hardware instensive. He had a P133 with 3dfx and said it was unplayably
>>>slow. Any other users care to comment on how well it runs on thier
>>P133, Monster 3D (3Dfx), 64 MB of RAM. It runs very smooth with most
>>or all detail turned on, except when there are a bunch of cars in
>>front of you.
>It's all relative to what you're used to....