Hi Dave. The Matrox is the fastest 2D card around, in Dos and Windows.
Too compare its speed and resolution too the 3D cards is time wasted.
IT KICKS THEM ALL . But it is a PRO card and has limited 3D capabilities.
If You Want the best 3D now....3DFX are the best...Mystique is Very good
for speed and has all the 3D stuff. But it is not supported by Sierra race
games at this time.
The best rendition card is the 3D Blaster.
It runs my brothers Icr2 3D from his Shitty Reactor card better than the
reactor does. hehe.
The Blaster also has the best software bundle and support.
Order the Reactor Disks from Intergraph for ICR2 or Sierra or ask around.
Bet someone has it near you.
The patch should be out..............sometime this century.
Have fun.
>I just recieved NR2, and have been planning on upgrading my video card. I
>have a pentium75, 32 meg ram, and will upgrade to a 200 pentium in a couple
>months. I have read comparisons on some of the new 3d cards, the Matrox
>Mystique, Stealth3d 2000, Screaming 3D by Sierra, etc.
>1.) Has anybody out there had good/bad experiences with these cards?
>2.) Is the Matrox Millenium card still the one to use, especially in NR2?
>3.) Does the new NR2 benefit from the 3D capabillities of these newer
>Thanks in advance for your help and advice...
>Dave Stochl