Well, my viper racing leagues next race is at dayton, so i've been doing
some testing to crank out every hundreth of a second from my time. I'm
currently down to a 1.02.08..... So i raced against 1 car set at hard AI
for 3 laps. Wow, he was hauling. Where did he get all that hp from? He
gets 2 seconds on me during acceleration, yet I consider my setups to be
pretty strong in this area. After the race was over i have closed to within
0.7 seconds of him but am unable to make a move for the lead. I check the
lap times and see that i beat him on both hotlaps, but he had me by 2
seconds on the first lap. which leads me to my first question....
1) Where is the comp getting all this acceleration from? I've set my
ratios so the RPM is always between 4600 and 6000. I'm getting slight
wheelspin, but not so much that the car veers off, yet the comp still gets a
descent lead.
After comparing lap times i check over the top speeds. WTF is this?!?! The
comp is pulling 183-184 yet my top has been 182.1 so far. Where is all this
speed coming from? I have spoilers set to 0,0 and no toe-in front or rear.
I also tried using the old nascar trick of making the suspension real soft
so that the car will sink down, displaying less spoiler and hence less drag,
but no dice. The soft suspension makes the car too mushy to drive. I tried
cranking up the sway bars to make it more responsive, but it created a
really wierd feel. A mushy, yet quick snappy car....really strange concept.
So how can i squeeze out a few more mph?
Question 3 (sorry for this becoming an epic)
Can i get numerical results when using the anylize feature in replay? The
bars are really quite useless in determining weather your setup change has
squeezed out another ounce of lateral grip or acceleration.
Kill one and your a ***er, kill many and your a conqueror, kill em all
and your a god.........
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