enjoying it, though our driving needs some work! I do have a couple
In the career upgrades screen, it shows all the upgrades that have been
applied to the car. But it does not how the tires. If the tires have been
purchased, are they automatically added? Reason I ask is I did not notice a
big difference after purchasing the tires. May be related to my driving
skills, but I saw a much bigger difference when upgrading the chassis with
roll bars, shocks, and springs.
What are the differences between racing in arcade, intermediate or
simulation mode? I've tried all three and again did not notice a big
difference, probably related to my driving skills?
When you start a career, you select arcade, intermediate or simulation, how
is the level of AI for the other drivers selected? Is it based on the
current selection in the quick race menu? If so does it change if the quick
race menu is changed?
This is the most ***ing computer game I've ever had!
-- Scott