I' having trouble changing pit stratagy. Instead of always taking 4
tires, gas and repair I'd like to maybe adjust tire pressure, or maybe
take on only right side tires. How do I make spit stop adjustments?
Thanks in advance.
I' having trouble changing pit stratagy. Instead of always taking 4
tires, gas and repair I'd like to maybe adjust tire pressure, or maybe
take on only right side tires. How do I make spit stop adjustments?
Thanks in advance.
Eldred Pickett
I am NOT paranoid. And why are you always watching me?!?
> I' having trouble changing pit stratagy. Instead of always taking 4
> tires, gas and repair I'd like to maybe adjust tire pressure, or maybe
> take on only right side tires. How do I make spit stop adjustments?
> Thanks in advance.
> I' having trouble changing pit stratagy. Instead of always taking 4
> tires, gas and repair I'd like to maybe adjust tire pressure, or maybe
> take on only right side tires. How do I make spit stop adjustments?
> Thanks in advance.
> >I' having trouble changing pit stratagy. Instead of always taking 4
> >tires, gas and repair I'd like to maybe adjust tire pressure, or maybe
> >take on only right side tires. How do I make spit stop adjustments?
> >Thanks in advance.
> I seem to remember that there was a way to not repair car damage as well
> as not taking on all tires and gas. I can only remember that it was
> something to do with a key stroke (like f10 0r f11). It will really speed
> up your stop in a place like Martinsville where wrinkled fenders are a
> right of passage. I wish that I could be more help but I can't recall the
> exact procedure. If anyone knows please post a reply to either Jon or
> myself
> Walt (slikster) Lied
>Thanks in advance.
Walt (slikster) Lied
before you enter the pit hit the f# key that brings up the tire wear
indicator. Hit space bar to highlight the tire you want to toggle than
hit return to make the cjeckmark underneath dissappear.
J Mark Piscitelli
Pause the game...
hit f10 and then hit spacebar This means damage will not be fixed
hit f4 (tires) and press enter/spacebar The check on each tire means
they will be changed
Or, as we like to say.... Read the manual. You DO have a manual,
Mike (hint: saying no means something) :-)
Dave "davids"
Sequoia Motorsports
On page 19 of the manual it explains the method of selecting
which tires to be change and also the pressure for each new
tire. Do the this prior to going into the pits.
Eldred Pickett
I am NOT paranoid. And why are you always watching me?!?