because you can trail brake (though trail braking is just using the brakes
into the turn, which you really don't need to be on the gas for) and all of
that stuff but recently I changed between the two and something odd
happened. I changed from my normal separate axis to the combined axis and
the braking got better. I used to use the gas and brakes in the turns at
the same time but can do the same times without using the gas while braking.
I have been thinking about it and it almost seems like with separate axis,
the gas may always be applied just a little bit which can work against
braking. When you go to combined, the gas must go COMPLETELY off before the
brakes come on so you never have the gas working against you. This is what
I have noticed and maybe it was just me but go out and try it. I really
think that separate axis are not the "holy grail" which people think it is.
They think their times will go down 2 seconds if only they could split up
their axis. Oh well, I'm done rambling. Just posting my findings.