> So this is the loan for the cruelty of throwing Viper out of your
> harddisk!!! ;>)))
> When yous say: "I uninstalled it ... without using the "Add/Remove
> >programs" thingy in the Control Panel", do you mean, you simply deleted it?
> Then, I think you have to search your windows-registry for all entries
> related to "Viper Racing" or even "Sierra".
> Remember to backup your user.dat and system.dat files first!
> Otherwise, if you really love Viper, why would you only want to play the
> demo?
I tried this, it still doesn't work...I guess I could go buy a copy (I've seen
used copies on Ebay for $10-$15) but I'm too much of a cheapskate. : )
> CU
> Zolli
> >I got a CD with the Viper Racing demo on it in the mail and I installed
> >it. I uninstalled it a few months later without using the "Add/Remove
> >programs" thingy in the Control Panel. Now when I try to reinstall the
> >demo it says "Viper Racing is already installed, uninstall Viper Racing
> >before playing." I hate games that try to be smart and do this to you.
> >Is there any way around this message?
> >I really love Viper!
> >--
> >Sam Johnson
> >Computer game player
> >Piano afficianado
> >All around guy with no life
> >NASCAR fan--go 3, 88, 31, 11, 18, 20 in that order
> >"Ninety percent of the game is half mental."--Yogi Berra
Sam Johnson
Computer game player
Piano afficianado
All around guy with no life
NASCAR fan--go 3, 88, 31, 11, 18, 20 in that order
"Ninety percent of the game is half mental."--Yogi Berra