I originally installed Win98 over the top of Win95 using the upgrade. I was
having serious lockup problems. Couldn't isolate it as my Thriller 3D 8mb PCI
card, the modem, or mouse causing the problem. Backed up my important data
files then re-formatted the hard drive. Radical move on a 9gb HD but did it
fairly easily using my original Win98 emergency boot disk. Then I installed
Win98 upgrade onto the empty drive. It asked for my original Win95 disk to
verify that I had it then it let me install the full Win98 program.
Reinstalled N2... and no problems. My PII-333mhz, 128mb Ram w/ the Rendition
Thriller screams along at 30+fps with all graphics "on" with 39 cars drawn
ahead on every track at all times. My system appears to be very stable now
"knock knock" and I run N2 from Win98 (of course so I can race on TEN).
San Diego