Hello too all 3D Blaster owners.
I have posted 2 zip files in alt.binaries.simulators.autos
they have all the files for the full rendition version of Icr2.
Also posted the enhanced elkhart lake track.
Just download the zips and follow the readme files. they are about 1meg
I do not know if they got there or ever will.
If you can not find them tell me here and I will repost or send them too
I hope more folks follow my lead and help out people who do not have the
I too have the 3D Blaster and am very pleased with it.
I got the enhanced ICR23D from a friend who has the Reactor Card.
I messed around with good old "cut n paste" in windows and found that it is
very easy
too get the original Indycar2 upgraded too Rendition.
Who cares what card may or may not be better than the other!
Lets just race and have fun.
Too much talk of hardware in this group lately, perhaps we could end it.
But if not...oh well. BTW- Im using a fake name and address because I do
not know
or care if this is legal or not. But I think ALL rendition card owners
NEED and deserve this game.
Have Fun!!
Mr Bill