If you don't have any network-card in your PC, and only use modem, you can
probably solve the problem by installing the "Microsoft Loop-Back Adapter"
as hardware.
It's just a virtual networkcard that makes the PC able to use networking
with itself.
Just do the normal add-new-hardware procedure and "select manually from a
Then choose "Network adapters" as type, and in the list of items presented,
you choose Microsoft | LoopBack Adapter.
> >>>Also, why does it -demand- to have a live internet connection
> >>>before it will run AT ALL? What is it doing?
> >>It's client-server all the way. It sends data to the host, which is
> >>localhost, If your machine then responds with trying to
> >>hook a live connection, that's your network's setup that could be
> >>better.
> >>For local pings (or even local network pings, like 192.168.x.x in most
> >>environments), no outside call should be generated.
> >Ruud, is it really necessary to attempt a winsock conection
> >when doing single-player hotlapping?
> Yes, all communication takes place over UDP connections, as the design
> is client/server. Exactly like Quake3 for example; there you also
> connect to yourself.
> The reason for this is that it then makes no difference if the car is
> on the network, or local. Besides, with the loopback device (lo0) as
> all network computers have, a UDP packet for localhost should never
> leave the computer anyway; in other words, the packet won't be
> physically put to the ethernet card. It just takes a round trip in the
> network driver.
> The reason Racer seemed to ping out is probably because it took a full
> IP address (67.something.x.y) and that was not seen by the network as
> something local, so it sent it across another route (instead of lo0),
> which then triggers dial-up.
> It's really nothing unusual actually; all Quakes did it this way, and
> in the Unix world, you'll see lots and lots of services sending
> packets to their local network route. I might need some more intricate
> hostname detection scheme.
> Did you try 'ping 67.x.y.z' (your own IP), see what that did?
> Ruud van Gaal
> Free car sim: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Pencil art : http://www.racesimcentral.net/