OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims


OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Andi » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 04:22:48

Two points, I didn't get any stickers with my XP Home upgrade and what's a


> While I'm not exactly sure of all of the legal issues of the EULA I can
> tell you that if you get a new pc you can call the WIA activation center
> and get that record updated to reflect the new pc's hardware.  Now I
> don't know how many times this would work or any details on it but it's
> worked a couple times for me without issue.

> Mandrake 9.0 Rocks!

> Mitch

> BTW:  Aside from the WIA stuff XP is the best product BillCo has come
> out with..

> > Subject: Re: ot-Win XP versus W98se for sims
> > Date: Tuesday, 3 September 2002 2:19 AM

> > The guy at the computer store that I buy from, whose company is a
> > MS dealership, told me this:
> > Since MS started supplying the sticker with the serial number on it,
> > must be stuck on the P.C. that it is originally installed on.
> > If it is not, then the copy of Windows is Illegally installed on the PC.
> > He also said that the MS license states this, and also states that the
> > cannot be reinstalled on another PC even if you format the drive on the
> > original PC.
> > He told me that this applies to both the OEM version and the full Retail
> > Version of XP. He said that the copy is licensed to the machine that it
> > installed on, and that machine only, the copy can however be sold with
> > machine. Previously, MS allowed you to format the drive of the machine
> > you are selling, and reinstall it on your new machine, but not any more.
> > He gave me the example of a situation that arose with one of his
> > The customer had a PC stolen.The thieves did not steal the original
> > XP CD. The customer though that as far as MS were concerned, he was
> > entitled to install the OS on his new PC that was supplied by the
> > company.
> > The Computer Shop owner told him that according to the MS license, he
> > unable do so. The customer was understandably livid, and was told by the
> > Shop owner to ring MS and ask them. The customer did so, and was told by
> > that this was in fact the case.
> > Please note that I have not read the MS license to see if this is
> > stated within it. Please don't flame me for posting this as it is only
> > I have been told.
> > I have known this guy for years, and he was very emphatic that this was
> > case.
> > I can not believe that you can't legally do this.  Can any MS dealers or
> > Computer Techs etc confirm or deny this?
> > If this is true, then I feel that this is another case of MS getting too
> > Greedy.

> > Darf

Tim Mise

OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Tim Mise » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 03:21:33

I don't know, I thought DOS 5.0 was the cat's meow at the time.  ;)

Jone Tytlandsvi

OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Jone Tytlandsvi » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 05:55:45

Do you have to "de activate" XP on the system you trash, or can you in
theory install it on 6 systems and have them running at once? Braking the
EULA of course, but the activation rubbish would not stop you?



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Andre » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 06:21:58

One legit bought copy of Win XP Home Edition with sticker on the case.

One copy of Win XP Activation Crack file.

More than 7 computers running perfectly,most of them with SP1 update



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Tim » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 07:25:31

What if you format the drive?

I routinely reformat and reinstall Win and Win-based products much more often than I change hardware.  Has been that way for many years.  I even had a MS support tech online who once told me he did the same thing to his box at least once a year.

So, my question really would be, just how does XP know its been configured 6 times if the drive has been reformatted and XP is then 'reinstalled'.

Tim White

  I think the "Activation" stuff in Windows lets you change 7 different parts
  before it kicks in and denies you access to your computer. The case and
  powersupply is not one of the hardware parts WindowsXP are able to keep
  track of. If you replace more then 7 parts that WindowsXP can track, I think
  you can call MS and have them "open up" your legal WindowsXP installation.
  If you trash your old PC and want to install on a new one, more then 7 parts
  will be different, and you will be unable to activate Windows XP. But there
  are way's around that, just as easy as a NOCD patch for any of your sims.
  I would worry about how the activation rubbish work, not the legal issues.


OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Cong » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:46:35

Sticker is for oem installs...don't even bother....let's all move on

OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:46:22

Have you read the license?
Has your case got the sticker on it?
If it has, and you are merely changing the cases components, you are in
accordance with the license.
As I said in my post, it only becomes an issue if you change the case.
As the case is what the sticker is attached to.
Michael is an accredited MS dealer, so you would think that he would know.
He told me that it applies to oem and retail versions. You say that you can
install XP to as many machines as you want. If this is the case, how do you
remove an "unremovable" sticker, and restick it on another machine? The
short answer is that you can't. Here lies the licence issue, if your machine
does not have the MS sticker (that comes in the box of the retail version of
XP as well ) stuck on the box, then you ARE in breach of the license.
He says that MS will not replace the sticker, so how can you legally install
XP on another machine, even if you delete it from the old machine's hard
If in doubt, contact MS yourself and post the results here so that we all
know once and for all.



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:48:06

This post has never been about what you can do illegally :-)


David Butter

OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by David Butter » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:53:29


I***etc etc, but here's the relevant law as it applies to England &

In summary, a minor (ie under 18) may make a valid contract for
"necessaries" (eg clothes, though not if deemed "luxuries"). Any other
contract made by the minor has no legal force (unless ratified when
they come of age), unless the Minors Contract Act 1987 (which governs
certain property transfers) applies.

The Data Protection Act 1998 stipulates no minimum age for the
collection of personal data, though, so if you see a "no under-13s"
restriction on a British website, it's probably US-influenced, either
because the British site is a subsidiary of a US one (eg Yahoo!) or
because the Brits are obsessed with tryiong to ape Americans :-)

The GPL Scrapyard:
(including the Kinlet Park circuit - currently in beta)

Idiotic deep-linking restrictions:


OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:50:32

I know people (can't mention any names) that have 3 or 4 pc's running XP on
every machine.
Take a guess how many copies they purchased?



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:51:58

Just stick the sticker on the case with blue tack.
Has anyone read in the license that you can't?



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:13:52

Well in a way it does, as some simmers may want to comply with the law on
this issue. As far as I know, 98 was not bound by this sticker crap.
So we all know that if we are running XP, and are in the middle of trying to
pick ourselves out of the trees on the back straight at France, there is a
knock at the front door,
you look out the window, only to see a MS van and some Fed looking guys out
the front, then we know to run back inside and format C: on the other 2
machines without the stickers, before we open the door.
Come to think of it, I might just write myself a  Batch file named Feds.Bat
or something, and put a shortcut to it on the Desktop.  :-)

Thats was my argument to Michael, his reply was this:
When we pay the money for our XP CD, we are not "buying" the software.
What we are doing is paying for the USE of Microsoft's software. Remember it
is them that own it, not us.
When we install XP, we "sign" the terms and conditions and we say that we
agree to their conditions of how it is used. Part of this is the sticker
So it seems they have us by  the balls.
If you want I can email you the batch file :-)


 If I bought the machine and the program came with it as far


OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:15:28

Had a great manual with it too !!!!  :-)



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:18:02

The sticker comes in the retail box of XP as well. Have a look.
Same rules apply



OT-Win XP versus W98se for sims

by Darf » Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:28:02

The answer is, if you format the drive, XP sees it as a new installation, this then requires re activation, the same as it did when you first installed it.

The only way around this that I can see is if you Ghost the drive to a CD or another drive, after you have activated it.
When the installation becomes too trashy then just copy the ghost back to the hard drive. This is how I do it. Saves a lot of work as well.The ghost copies across in about 15 minutes, you reboot the machine and away you go.
For me to get to this stage doing a full reinstall from a clean format, will take me 2 nights. 2 nights that I could have been GPLing or LFSing :-)


  What if you format the drive?

  I routinely reformat and reinstall Win and Win-based products much more often than I change hardware.  Has been that way for many years.  I even had a MS support tech online who once told me he did the same thing to his box at least once a year.

  So, my question really would be, just how does XP know its been configured 6 times if the drive has been reformatted and XP is then 'reinstalled'.

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