I upgraded to P3 500, 256MB, with V2 12MB in SLI and now can run smooth
(25-40fps) with all cars (8 visible) but with mirrors off, 800x600, most
everything at med. or high detail. Mirrors will slow it down by almost 1/3. Also
the positioning map makes it run a lot slower so I keep that off and frames go
up to +50 after the start.
I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a video card that does not slow it
down as much?
>I've seen bits and pieces through RAS, but would someone please post
>all the various framerate tweaks for F1 2000 in reply to this so they
>are in one place. I'm finally going to take the plunge, and I want to
>give it the best chance possible on my P3-550, 128 meg, 12meg Voddoo 2
>machine. Thanks!
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
>Before you buy.