How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
> How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
> Andr.
> > How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
> > Andr.
> It doesnt. GP2 blows away F1 as a sim and Power F1 blows
> away F1 as an arcade game (and yeah, got a 3dfx card too).
> To me, any racing game without a***pit (like F1) is not
> worth buying.
> Rich
I'm a bit surprised to hear the Murray Walker commentary as a "plus", it
was nice for a while but I get thoroughly hacked off with him thinking that
I've "completely lost it" or "He's spun!" every time I get a bit sideways
through a turn.
Personally I'd far prefer to hear the pits talking to me, telling me gaps,
lap times, fuel strategy, tire wear of team-mate etc etc. That would
constitute a far better use of the sound I think.
John (SRN-Europe)
(Remove "NOSPAM" from address before replying...)
>> How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
>> Andr.
>It doesnt. GP2 blows away F1 as a sim and Power F1 blows
>away F1 as an arcade game (and yeah, got a 3dfx card too).
>To me, any racing game without a***pit (like F1) is not
>worth buying.
GP2: Best overall sim
Best setup options
Best computer car AI
Cons: Slow graphics - still not a computer that can run it at full
graphics decently
No weather!
No in-car adjustments (sway bars & brake bias namely)
Crappy modem play
Less than stellar track reproduction
No camber
F1: Best track renditions
fastest graphics with 3D acceleration
Murray Walker commentary
Banking fully implemented
FULL Rain effects!
Cons: Less horsepower than real F1 cars
stupid damage model
lame AI
no***pit view
Power F1: Almost as good on the track renditions as F1
Cool menus & setup options
Best outside sound effects (and you can hear
other cars!)
Weather of sorts..
pretty graphics
Cons: Slowest of the bunch
Limited detail tuning so you're stuck with a ***frame
rate in hi res
Awful steering wheel feedback. Be prepared to crank the
wheel a LOT, even with the joyfix they distribute
Product most in need of 3D acceleration
Can't figure out whether it wants to be a sim or an
arcade game.
I think its crap. Its got a bad driving model, and horrible sound. Dont
think bout playing it unless you have a 3dfx, rendition or a card that
supports direct 3d. No 2d cards, and you must have atleast 4mb ram on your
Murray Walker commentary in a game is a pro?
>> Murray Walker commentary
>I'm a bit surprised to hear the Murray Walker commentary as a "plus", it
>was nice for a while but I get thoroughly hacked off with him thinking that
>I've "completely lost it" or "He's spun!" every time I get a bit sideways
>through a turn.
>Personally I'd far prefer to hear the pits talking to me, telling me gaps,
>lap times, fuel strategy, tire wear of team-mate etc etc. That would
>constitute a far better use of the sound I think.
> >> How does Psygnosis F1 PC compare with GP2 and Power F1?
> >> Andr.
> >It doesnt. GP2 blows away F1 as a sim and Power F1 blows
> >away F1 as an arcade game (and yeah, got a 3dfx card too).
> >To me, any racing game without a***pit (like F1) is not
> >worth buying.
> On the flip side, the tracks are dead-on in F1 (something GP2 can't
> claim), F1 has banking (something GP2 can't claim) and 3D hardware
> support, which neither GP2 or Power F1 can claim. I have the
> Playstation version of Formula One and Gp2 and Power F1 on my
> Pentium-133. I also have a rendition board.
> GP2: Best overall sim
> Best setup options
> Best computer car AI
> Cons: Slow graphics - still not a computer that can run it at full
> graphics decently
> No weather!
> No in-car adjustments (sway bars & brake bias namely)
> Crappy modem play
> Less than stellar track reproduction
> No camber
> F1: Best track renditions
> fastest graphics with 3D acceleration
> Murray Walker commentary
> Banking fully implemented
> FULL Rain effects!
> Cons: Less horsepower than real F1 cars
> stupid damage model
> lame AI
> no***pit view
> Power F1: Almost as good on the track renditions as F1
> Cool menus & setup options
> Best outside sound effects (and you can hear
> other cars!)
> Weather of sorts..
> pretty graphics
> Cons: Slowest of the bunch
> Limited detail tuning so you're stuck with a ***frame
> rate in hi res
> Awful steering wheel feedback. Be prepared to crank the
> wheel a LOT, even with the joyfix they distribute
> Product most in need of 3D acceleration
> Can't figure out whether it wants to be a sim or an
> arcade game.
> Randy
Does F1 have a***pit view or not? Without the***pit view the pros & cons are
IMHO :-)
Since you say that F1 does not have a cokpit view it seems to be a real loser.
Thanks. Less hassle for me.
Header address intentionaly scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
>I have an AMD K6 MMX 200 with Matrox Mystique 4 MB card
>It runs GP2 in 25,6 frames with everything on in SVGA,
>except for Monaco, the game flies.
Thanks for letting me know that there is hope out there someday when I
get a bleeding edge computer. Still, for most people out there who
are running anything from P90's to P166's, Gp2's performance isn't
Well, if you're going to judge the entire game by that I guess you
have to do what you have to do. As I said, the fact that you get a
camera view from approximately where the driver would be, albeit
slightly higher, its not a big deal. I certainly wouldn't trash the
game on that alone, but then I'm not you.
> >I have an AMD K6 MMX 200 with Matrox Mystique 4 MB card
> >It runs GP2 in 25,6 frames with everything on in SVGA,
> >except for Monaco, the game flies.
> Well, you certainly have a state of the art machine. Upgrading to a
> P200+MMX+motherboard would set me back $750 or so, and I don't know
> how much of a difference the VESA modes of your Mystique compared to
> my Rendition board. I'm certainly not willing to give up the
> Rendition board because of IndyCar II and NASCAR 2, but I'd love to
> know how well a P200MMX would run with the Rendition board.
> Thanks for letting me know that there is hope out there someday when I
> get a bleeding edge computer. Still, for most people out there who
> are running anything from P90's to P166's, Gp2's performance isn't
> great.
> Randy
Is there a Psygnosis F1 demo out yet ???
if so, where can I download it ?