GPL Problems


GPL Problems

by Cowl » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

After playing F1 2000 for a while and reading all of the negative posts on
the game (quite a few of which I have experienced) I thought I would
re-install GPL as that seems to be the game of choice for most people in
this group.

I installed the game, the 1.201 patch, the Glide patch and also the AI Tweak
program to reduce the game to my skill level as the original settings where
always too hard for me.

What have I been missing all this time! I don't need to go into the virtues
of this game as they seem to be covered in most posts that compare racing
games but I do seem to be having a problem. The car seems to get stuck in
gear a lot with auto gears (at least 1 or 2 times per lap). I have reduced
the AI and am
racing short pro races with auto-shifting, braking and throttle help on.
Even on long straights the car will just get stuck in one gear and keep
revving. If I go to manual gears then I can change gear but the revs will
not rise. e.g. in 1st it might lock between 5000-5200 if I change to 2nd
then it would stay between 4000 and 4200, 3rd would be 3000-3200 and 4th
2000-2200. It would stay between these revs and not rise for about 2-5
seconds and then suddenly start to climb again. As I said this is happening
on long straights! Not always the same ones though.

I have re-calibrated my Interact V4-FX wheel but this has not
changed a thing. Am I missing something or is there a fix for this?



GPL Problems

by bph.. » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

Sounds like you have selected a F2 or F3 car rather than F1.

Sent via
Before you buy.


GPL Problems

by Cowl » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

I have only tried it with two cars, the Ferrari and the Anglo American. I
have not added any cars/tracks or altered the game in any other way than
those mentioned in my original post (1.201 patch, the Glide patch and the AI


> Sounds like you have selected a F2 or F3 car rather than F1.


GPL Problems

by No » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

thus spoke:

What's the glide patch for gpl? I haven't come across that one.

Chris Bloo

GPL Problems

by Chris Bloo » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

>I have only tried it with two cars, the Ferrari and the Anglo

American. I

What is the Anglo American?  I thought it was a gold mining


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GPL Problems

by Cowl » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

The Anglo-American Racers Eagle-Weslake T1G to give it it's full name.

I have now tried the game with all the different cars on  all the various
tracks. Before this thread goes off topic here is the problem again:

The car seems to get stuck in gear a lot with auto gears (at least 1 or 2
times per lap). I have reduced
the AI and am racing short pro races with auto-shifting, braking and
throttle help on. Even on long straights the car will just get stuck in one
gear and keep revving. If I go to manual gears then I can change gear but
the revs will not rise. e.g. in 1st it might lock between 5000-5200 if I
change to 2nd
then it would stay between 4000 and 4200, 3rd would be 3000-3200 and 4th
2000-2200. It would stay between these revs and not rise for about 2-5
seconds and then suddenly start to climb again. As I said this is happening
on long straights! Not always the same ones though.

I have re-calibrated my Interact V4-FX wheel but this has not changed a
thing. Am I missing something or is there a fix for this?


> >I have only tried it with two cars, the Ferrari and the Anglo
> American. I

> What is the Anglo American?  I thought it was a gold mining
> company?

> Chris

> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


GPL Problems

by Cowl » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Sorry, in my rush to get the problem fixed I wrote down the wrong thing. I
actually meant the openglb2 patch from I used
to have a 3dfx card so glide is still imprinted in my brain. I just have to
get used to saying OpenGL now that I have a GeForce card.


Hena H?kk?ne

GPL Problems

by Hena H?kk?ne » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

>I have only tried it with two cars, the Ferrari and the Anglo American. I
>have not added any cars/tracks or altered the game in any other way than
>those mentioned in my original post (1.201 patch, the Glide patch and the

You can choose between the trainer cars (some people call them F2 and F3)
and Grand Prix car at the track selection screen when you go to Practice.
AFAIR GPL defaults to Basic Trainer.


Doug Schneide

GPL Problems

by Doug Schneide » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

In all honesty, it's probably in your best interest to turn off all the aids.
You'll never be competitive while using any of them, and the longer you run with
them on the more difficult it's going to be to adjust to having them turned
off.  I wouldn't be surprised if the throttle help is causing the delay in
acceleration even when you're changing gears manually, especially if you're
shifting gears without lifting the throttle.  I believe throttle help is
available as much to protect the engine as to help you maintain control, so if
you floor it in 1st then bang it into 2nd without lifting, the game will need
some time to decide what to do and will severly damp the throttle response to
avoid losing traction and/or over-revving and possibly blowing the engine.  I
really doubt there's anything wrong with the game or your controller.  Just turn
the helps off, crash four or five times a lap for the first 30 hours, then all
of a sudden you will get the "feel" and you'll be in business.  Hope this helps.


> The Anglo-American Racers Eagle-Weslake T1G to give it it's full name.

> I have now tried the game with all the different cars on  all the various
> tracks. Before this thread goes off topic here is the problem again:

> The car seems to get stuck in gear a lot with auto gears (at least 1 or 2
> times per lap). I have reduced
> the AI and am racing short pro races with auto-shifting, braking and
> throttle help on. Even on long straights the car will just get stuck in one
> gear and keep revving. If I go to manual gears then I can change gear but
> the revs will not rise. e.g. in 1st it might lock between 5000-5200 if I
> change to 2nd
> then it would stay between 4000 and 4200, 3rd would be 3000-3200 and 4th
> 2000-2200. It would stay between these revs and not rise for about 2-5
> seconds and then suddenly start to climb again. As I said this is happening
> on long straights! Not always the same ones though.

> I have re-calibrated my Interact V4-FX wheel but this has not changed a
> thing. Am I missing something or is there a fix for this?

> Ian

> > >I have only tried it with two cars, the Ferrari and the Anglo
> > American. I

> > What is the Anglo American?  I thought it was a gold mining
> > company?

> > Chris

> > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network
> *
> > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

Kurt Steinboc

GPL Problems

by Kurt Steinboc » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

>In all honesty, it's probably in your best interest to turn off all the
>You'll never be competitive while using any of them, and the longer you run
>them on the more difficult it's going to be to adjust to having them turned
>off.  <Snip>

I've got to agree with Doug, Ian.  I wouldn't waste a lot of time trying to
solve a problem that involves using the three driving aids.  You're going to
"graduate" from them sooner or later.  You'd probably be better off turning
them off now and learning to drive an F2 -- then move up to F1.




GPL Problems

by Cowl » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Thanks for the suggestions.

Knocking off the aids solved the problem (It was the throttle help that was
causing the problem). I just wish I could keep them on until I get back into
the swing of things. I suppose it will mean I just have to practise more.


> >In all honesty, it's probably in your best interest to turn off all the
> aids.
> >You'll never be competitive while using any of them, and the longer you
> with
> >them on the more difficult it's going to be to adjust to having them
> >off.  <Snip>

> I've got to agree with Doug, Ian.  I wouldn't waste a lot of time trying
> solve a problem that involves using the three driving aids.  You're going
> "graduate" from them sooner or later.  You'd probably be better off
> them off now and learning to drive an F2 -- then move up to F1.

> Regards,

> Kurt

Don Scurlo

GPL Problems

by Don Scurlo » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Just a guess, but it sounds like your not getting full throttle.
Check that you are in both Windows game controller and in gpl
calibration. Possibly a loose pot?
 IMHO, you will find the game a lot more fun if you turn
off throttle and brake help, and stick with manual shift. It's all a
bit harder at first but ultimately worth it.

Don Scurlock

Kurt Steinboc

GPL Problems

by Kurt Steinboc » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

>Thanks for the suggestions.

>Knocking off the aids solved the problem (It was the throttle help that was
>causing the problem). I just wish I could keep them on until I get back
>the swing of things. I suppose it will mean I just have to practise more.


Hi, Ian --

Glad to hear to you to the bottom of the problem.  Take some comfort in the
fact that most of us considered a completed (no spin) lap a genuine
accomplishment the first time.  It DOES take practice, for sure.  But what a
PAYOFF when you start to "get it!"

Have fun!

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