the game (quite a few of which I have experienced) I thought I would
re-install GPL as that seems to be the game of choice for most people in
this group.
I installed the game, the 1.201 patch, the Glide patch and also the AI Tweak
program to reduce the game to my skill level as the original settings where
always too hard for me.
What have I been missing all this time! I don't need to go into the virtues
of this game as they seem to be covered in most posts that compare racing
games but I do seem to be having a problem. The car seems to get stuck in
gear a lot with auto gears (at least 1 or 2 times per lap). I have reduced
the AI and am
racing short pro races with auto-shifting, braking and throttle help on.
Even on long straights the car will just get stuck in one gear and keep
revving. If I go to manual gears then I can change gear but the revs will
not rise. e.g. in 1st it might lock between 5000-5200 if I change to 2nd
then it would stay between 4000 and 4200, 3rd would be 3000-3200 and 4th
2000-2200. It would stay between these revs and not rise for about 2-5
seconds and then suddenly start to climb again. As I said this is happening
on long straights! Not always the same ones though.
I have re-calibrated my Interact V4-FX wheel but this has not
changed a thing. Am I missing something or is there a fix for this?