What a nice Saturday morning.
1) Got the TIR Patch and now MSFF is working better (far from perfect,
though). Makes the game a bit more fun.
2) Got MBTR 1.1.10 Patch and the Geforce Problems are gone.
Unfortunately my English version is now in German?? Must see if I
downloaded the wrong patch. I've been dying to play this game on XP
for yonks. Problems with Nvidia drivers > 6.50 and this game seem to
be well and truly sorted :)
3) Downloaded the World Cup 2003 patch for EA Sports Cricket 2002. An
otherwise ordinary game is hopefully more interesting now...
My 56k modem is begging for a rest.
(Total Immersion Racing, Mercedes Benz Truck Racing for anyone who
didn't get the initials. Didn't meant 2 b cryptic).
Regards all,