so here goes:
I have a 16MB nVidia Riva TNT card, and a PII 400, and I installed the
OpenGL patch to try to improve the framerates so I could run VROC (They
were in the low 30's while running alone, low 20's at the start in
software mode.)
When I started the game, (after installing the patch, changing to OpenGL
mode in Graphics options, and restarting), I saw a black screen with the
version number in the bottom right corner. Then the menu text comes up
(View drivers, view teams, best laps, options, etc.) and there is just a
black background. When I move from one menu to the next, the old text
stays there, so soon my screen is a jumble of overlapped letters on a
black background. The green and red buttons in the corners don't seem
to work (I had to guess their location from experience.)
Is there any solution to this?? I un-installed the patch, and the game
works again, but I desparately want to run VROC. Thanks in advance for
any help