yes they are software... At first it was said they where hardware
accelerated but they quickly corrected that.
And to answer the question about who needs a 850 mhz CPU to run gp3 if it
looks this good in software mode... You really will need a 850 mhz CPU to
run the game in software mode... Running the game hardware accelerated will
probably have enough with a 266 mhz'er, but in software mode the CPU has got
to deliver all the power to run the game where in hardware acceleration most
power is delivered from the 3d videocard.
In software mode the game won't play fast on a 266...
In hardware mode the game might play fast on a 266...
> Is not in software mode, those screen-shots.
> Not being funny or any thing, but if the game really looks this good in
> software mode, and plays fast on a P266, who need a PIII850 mhz,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------
> Do you know what hell really is, It's not lakes of burning oil, or chains
> ice.
> It's being removed from Gods sight, having his word taken from you.