at the following url, you find 10 new circuits for gp2! Including all
the circuits from this season! They are only 40 kb!
at the following url, you find 10 new circuits for gp2! Including all
the circuits from this season! They are only 40 kb!
>at the following url, you find 10 new circuits for gp2! Including all
>the circuits from this season! They are only 40 kb!
I would have removed these tracks from the web page immediately
if I were you. Well, *if* they have been copied from Instant Access.
I guess they will come "visit" you very soon if you don't.
If these tracks are legal, then what are the differences from the
new tracks Instant Access made?
I guess I will have to hear what the other GP2 players on this
newsgroup have to say before I dare touch these new tracks.
But I would give you an applause if these tracks are indeed made
by you and not copied by Instant Access. Then I could get those
tracks with good conscience.
Borger Borgersen
Oslo, Norway
> Hello,
> at the following url, you find 10 new circuits for gp2! Including all
> the circuits from this season! They are only 40 kb!
> www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/7945/
> Bye,
> Albert
Preston Wong
Not any more there aren't!!
Nice to see an ISP doing the right thing in getting them removed.
(at work)
>> Hello,
>> at the following url, you find 10 new circuits for gp2! Including all
>> the circuits from this season! They are only 40 kb!
>> www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/7945/
>> Bye,
>> Albert
>I downloaded the tracks and installed trackmanager but I don't know how
>to install the tracks. Can someone please help me.
>Preston Wong