On Mon, 29 Jul 1996 14:46:57 +0100, "Craig Heath ('Strobe')"
>"Aviator", allegedly, but I don't remember King Geoffrey's name on
>the packaging (I still play this sometimes!)
Loved those wire frame graphics (state of the art for the time!). And
as for shooting down those "alien" things from a spitfire - a definite
candidate for "wierd idea of the decade" award.
Strange how at one time it _was_ possible to drive using the keyboard
with no steering help! Anyone said hello to Billy Bumper & co recently
- Billy was always bumping me off the track <g>
BTW, is it possible to get hold of a BBC or C64 emulator to run Revs?
Completely different style. A strategy arcade type game where you had
to teleport around a 3d landscape trying to absorb baddies before they
absorbed you. Spent many an evening on it, but I expect that it would
pall a little now.
Completely agree. Superb ST game, absolute shite on the PC. Anyone for
a concerted "please write Stunt Car 2" campaign?
Interesting this one. The PC "conversion" is actually very much an
upgrade of the ST version (more graphic features & considerably harder
If only I could approach the times that some people are reporting <g>
I just wish that he would look at the competition once in a while. He
could have learned a lot from ICR/Nascar (just as Papy could learn a
lot from him).