A few troubles with N2

Mike Peterse

A few troubles with N2

by Mike Peterse » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Not sure about the probs with the 220, but there is no way to capture screen shots with Rendition...period.

Mike (TEN ID:mpete)
Mike's Nascar World

    Okay- here's the deal.
    I have a Diamond Stealth II S220, and can't run N2 in non-Rendition mode. I wouldn't mind, but I run a couple offline series which require screenshots.
    Question is, does anyone know of a way to get screenshots of Rendition graphics? I've tried PSP 5's capture, Hypersnap DX, and a couple others, but none of them work.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Scott Moore
    Hoosier MotorSports
    Sports *** Network***.com

Scott & LaRhonda Eslic

A few troubles with N2

by Scott & LaRhonda Eslic » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have the same card with the same problem, the guys a Papyrus says that Rendition 2x00 cards haver a problem running in std mode and didn't mention any fixes.
Scott Eslick
Scott's Sim Site

Director- N2 Offline Super Truck Series

ICQ #3889251

    Okay- here's the deal.
    I have a Diamond Stealth II S220, and can't run N2 in non-Rendition mode. I wouldn't mind, but I run a couple offline series which require screenshots.
    Question is, does anyone know of a way to get screenshots of Rendition graphics? I've tried PSP 5's capture, Hypersnap DX, and a couple others, but none of them work.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Scott Moore
    Hoosier MotorSports
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