: I have recently come across a problem with my T2 while running N2. When I
: come out of the garage, the car automatically accelerates and oulls to the
: left. I have to fight the car to keep from hitting the car in front.
: Wheile on the track and coming out of turn four, the car suddenly pulls to
: the left and I have to steer all the way to the right just to keep the car
: off of the inside wall or out of the pits. I have tried recalibrating the
: wheel, I have even re-installed my sound card which the wheel connects to.
: Has anyoune else encountered a similar problem?
: btw, I am running with the firts patch, not the second. could this cause
: my problem?
If I remember correctly the first patch did make things worse for some
T2 users. Definately go for the 2nd patch as there were a few other
fixes in this also.
You might want to try to "clean" the pots on your pedals and steering
wheel. Find a "Tuner/Switch" cleaner at a electronics supply store (I
do know that Radio Shack carries this stuff). Open up your unit and
spray the cleaner into the housing of the pots and then work the pots
around a bit to get the cleaner all over the contacts. When ever things
get a little "twitchy" with my T1 I routinely clean all the pots.
Haven't had to replace any yet. BTW: A good cleaner will also
lubricate the pots and thus make them last longer.
If the above steps do not work, you may want to try moving your
soundcard away from any "heat" sources in you case. You may be
experiencing "thermal drift".
Do you notice this in any other joystick controllable games/sims? If so
and the above doesn't work, you may want to look into a quality
adjustable game card.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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