> I have written several letters to this newsgroup as well as Adam L., Jim
> S. and Sierra in general concerning the patch (lack of for N2). In
> surfing over to SimSpeed's N2 utilities page tonight
> (http://www.racesimcentral.net/) the thought crossed my mind
> that with all of these "hacked" (sorry guys, that's not meant to offend
> anyone) patches, why in the world can't the manufacturers of the game
> come up with a patch ??????? Seems like everyone else is fixing
> Sierra's problem child!!! I have listened to lame excuses for going on
> 6 months now and I am tired of it! I don't even play the game as much
> as I used to just because I'm ticked at Sierra's lack of concern for
> their consumers.
Look at it this way, You can do several things about this problem,
1) *** and moan about it ( you are very skilled at this)
2) Stop ***ing, and learn to write some code and write your own game.
3) Find some other hobbie ( and *** about that; - to some one who
4) Purchace a new piece of software to play with. (Ref #1)
5) Watch REAL NASCAR. *** about who bumped who.
6) Get a girlfriend and *** to her (so we don't have to hear it.)
7) Go write a book on how to *** to companys, and tell them how there
service sucks so bad, (but they make a great game)
8) Create a new news group (rec.***.simulators) and do what you do
9) Work on a new skill like: Patience
10) You could goto a "Anger Management Course" at a local school.
11) Or finaly; ~In the words of Howard Stern's father~ " SIT DOWN! SHUT
We all want the Patch, but if Pappy/Sierra don't have it ready then you
don't need it yet..
I must say, you seem to be very bright, to bad your wasting your time
away, staring at the clock on the wall, and asking " Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?"
Would it help if I told you that it will be released in January of 1998?
There, theres the date, (if it show up any sooner, it's a BONUS for
I'm sure I'll get flamed (again) over my "moaning" but, hey this is
Yeah, well im an American to pal, So what do you want a flag
stuffed down your throat? Here's an idea, get a clue of what a
schedule means
when they release the patch you can have it. JUST STOP YOUR WHINING!
"Excuse me, Could I have some cheese with this WHINE!"