>Im having trouble with the Nascar 2 patch. I've d/led both versions,
>but still to no avail. It stops at Applying MODIFY File Patch to
>Nchrltte.dat. Then, gives me an error saying the old file doesn't
>exist. I have reinstalled Nascar 2, complete version, and either
>patch does nothing to help. Can any1 give me an ideas?
>Email and posted reply appreciated...
>Raymond Loyola
My guess is that there is another date stamp on this file that papyrus
did not allow for . I have the same problem I think there are MORE
than 2 versions of this sim. My setup.exe file does not match either
of the dates in the instructions. But the biggest problem is the car
jerking to the right and also it will jerk down on pace laps, like you
slammed on the brakes for a second.
Papy did not write or check this patch from the obvious
errors. They hired sombody to do it for them is my guess and thats why
they had no clue on when it would be ready.
It was not written in the US thats for sure!!!
----- 28/4/97 --- or should that be 28/4/96 ????