Does anyone know when we should expect the first patch for N2? Also,
will the mirror problem be corrected? I have also experienced the bell
ringing sound mentioned by a few here at R.A.S.. This really does not
sound like radio noise to me. Hopefully this can be considered for a
On another topic, I installed N2 from Win95. When I ried to run under
Win95, it wouldn't work. System locked, if I remember correctly. No
big deal. I have been running under DOS. Eric Busch wrote that N2
should be run under Win95. Is there a significant improvement here that
I am missing out on?
I am using renddma.bat on a new Ocean Rhino 100mhz Pentium Triton2 mb,
512 pipeline burst cache, Reactor, 32meg ram. N2 runs and looks pretty
great with everything turned ON (not auto), and showing all cars! The
only noticeable jerkiness due to low frame rate occurs at Bristol on the
initial start. Even this is not too bad. If anyone has any ideas for
improvements using this existing hardware, I'd be interested and
appreciative. I have read some postings about bios upgrades but am a
little hesitant about doing this on a system that seems to be working
pretty well. My luck would be to loose bios altogether.
On a personal note, I have seen one or two postings regarding
southerners. These seem to imply that the ravings of a few indicate
that we, as a culture, are dimwitted and/or crass. I would consider it
a personal favor if we could drop this line of discussion. I was born,
and have lived in the Carolinas all of my life. I am slightly offended
by this overused sterotype. And, after all, the most popular simulation
being discussed here is based on a sport rooted deeply in this region.
Thank you in advance.
Tony Joy