Anyone know if the patched n2 will support univbe 5.3a as univbe 5.2
dont work with my card?
Anyone know if the patched n2 will support univbe 5.3a as univbe 5.2
dont work with my card?
: Anyone know if the patched n2 will support univbe 5.3a as univbe 5.2
: dont work with my card?
In the past, patches for ICR2 did not include any changes in the univbe
driver for the game. However, you should be able to remove the N2
univbe drivers (delete them from the directory) and load the 5.3a
version before running N2. N2 should then benefit from the drivers
being loaded. You will still see the "univebe not found" (or whatever
it says). This simply indicates that it did not find the drivers in the
directory and is not loading them.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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