Well, I did something stupid. I wasn't getting full acceleration in the F1
2002 controller bars so I thought I'd reinstall the TM software. I went to
the site and found apparently a new driver, version 3.10. So I install and
now, to my utter dismay, the thing is screwed. When I try to get split
axis, my Z axix (break) acts as if it's digital, starting off half way up
the Z axis in the Windows configuration (XP Pro). When I touch the break,
the green bar doesn't go up gradually, like the acceleration bar does, but
goes up all at once (digital).
I can't figure out what's wrong, besided the fact that I've been again
foiled by poor TM software. I can't even find my old drivers, which worked
split axis, but which wasn't giving me full acceleration (close but not
completely full, neither in F1 2002 or Windows).
If anyone got this software to work, tell me how you did it. If you have
the old software (3.09, I believe), can I have a look?