David Stamper
Diamond Star Racing
> DN
> > About a month ago...our local CompUSA had several stacks of Pro
> 2
> > wheels. But when I checked in today..(dang lwff still won't wake up)
> > only had Logitech and Microsoft items. Anybody still sell the pro 2?
> > dave henrie
Some things to try......
1. If you are using the USB port off the mobo......switch to a USB
hub.....or visa-versa if you are using a USB hub.
2. In your system BIOS....did you forget to assign an IRQ to USB? Game
controllers won't work...or not well without it.
3. I assume you have the latest VIA 4in1 chipset drivers? But did you
install them correctly? Did you have a "Can't find Viagart.vxd" warning or
something during their install? If you did....you might as well burn your
computer for firewood.....because its pretty much "history." The system's
not recoverable from that....and you can install Win98SE until the cows come
home...and it won't help! Sorry...time to get a new computer. I heard some
people are suing VIA for this....maybe you can get in on the class action
lawsuit? But good luck collecting a settlement from a Chinese
4. When you reinstalled Win98SE.....was it an "install over" the old...or
did you Fdisk, format c:\ and so forth? Did you reinstall DX8.0 after that?
Did you reinstall the VIA chipset drivers after that? Did you reset your
BIOS settings after that? Did you install Win98SE in APM mode only (good)?
Or did you install it in ACPI mode (very, very bad)?
5. Have you done a registry search for all things Logitech...and deleted
them before a fresh install of the Log FF drivers?
6. Have you considered that your Log wheel might be the problem (a circuit
shorted out....something far out there....isn't impossible, you know?). If
you acquire a NASCAR Pro Dig-2 (I have 5 of them....they are a great
"utility" racing wheel....and the calibration tweaking program is awesome to
use in N4)......and still suffer the same symptoms.....I'd say its your USB
port, USB drivers, mobo, or hub (depending on what you are using). If you
are using a USB hub, having you checked that the power transformer is fully
plugged in....or not burned out? The Log FF, draws its power from the USB
port (hubs need power transformers for this.....mobo ports don't).
Okay....that's everything I can think of without resting.....lol. Did I hit
something you hadn't tried yet?
PS: I was just kiddin' ya on that "viagart.vxd" thing....lol....don't throw
away your computer....even though I know you probably want to by now?
Did you check in their Mac section? That's where the Pro Digital's
are in the CompUSA near me.