This game final or not runs smooth as silk on my system with everthing
maxing out, thats a pretty good start.
The game has been tested by members of the Arrows team who rate the physics
as "spot on " albeit being a bit generous with grip in wet weather
situations, So how many people can disagree with members of a F1 team ?,
please leave your names then explain how it is you know better than them
cause I could do with a good laugh).
The graphics are not groundbreaking I would give them 7/10 ( but then some
would argue that the weather effects would add 1 more to that) they are
perfectly acceptable.
The A1, holy shit how good does it get, I don`t think much better in my
humble opinion.
Nice simple menu system. Really good loading times which I like a lot.
Hey I could go on all night, but since most people will have stopped reading
this as it hits the mark and probaly touches a nerve in some, I will round
off now.
When I started the game it took a while and some editing of the cards.txt
file to get it sweet, ( Oh and quite a while sorting my Wheel out aswell)
but then the fun began and yes I love the physics and A1 and Framerate the 3
things that make a sim playable so I am happy.
Well done Geoff, thanks for giving me the best F1 sim out to date.