I'm not a regular in this group, but i've seen a lot of guys talking
about F1GP2.
I was actually invited to a sneak preview of it in Australia about
2 months ago. These are my general interpretations...
1. The sound is fantastic. They have actually have digitised the sound of
a f1 car, it is unbelieveable. I'm telling you guys now, while upgradeing
your computer to run the damn thing... make sure you get some
fantastic speakers also.
2. The graphics are unbelievable. The preview at the microprose site, is
what you will expect, and that is only in vga mode.
3. Gameplay is great, at the sneak preview, they actually had a fibreglass
copy of a f1 car. I was lucky enough to sit in it and race the game.
It handles like a full blown f1 car, to much throttle out of a corner
and expect the tail to come out. Guess what guys, if you think you can
master the game in a few days...WRONG... it's a lot harder than f1gp.
BTW here's a little story. One of the guys at the preview, boldly
stated that he was the best f1gp racer around. He works for a popular
games magazine in Australia, and i wont mention his name. Anyway the
way he was talking, i was even impressed (i fancy myself as a bit of
a f1gp expert :)). So he hops in the car, loses it around the first
corner, ends up in a sand trap, and can't get out. In other words he
made the biggest fool of himself there.
4. Unfortunately i don't think a lot of guys out there will have the
system necessary to run the game in it's full glory. The beta was
running on a Pentium 120mhz with 16 mb ram and a fast 2mb video card.
It was fine in vga mode when racing with a few cars around. But at the
beggining of the race where you have 20 cars all racing...boy was it
jerky. It was a beta version and it hadn't been optimised yet, but
really you want at least a Pentium 100. A 166mhz with 32 mb ram and a
high end video card will be great, but even in super vga mode, which
looks incredible, i'm afraid that even a p166 may struggle a bit.
Other than that, i have nothing to say. I talked to one of the guys from
microprose, and he was quite adamant about it release date, but as we all
know, that isn't the case.
If any of you guys have any questions, i'll be glad to reply. I hope
this has cleared some misconceptions.