Thanks--I've got it to 33 at the start, then a solid 36 once we get moving.
I have a Gateway machine, and I'm starting to question the TNT2 in it. Did
GW give me a TNT2 Lite? nVidia's drivers won't load, and the web page says
its a Creative Labs, but their drivers don't load either. Anyone know if
they put in some proprietary stuff on a TNT2? Even their drivers are
labeled as "Gateway - English". Hmmm. No matter, I changed the EIDE drives
to SCSI and will be changing the video card to the Voodoo 5 6k when it comes
Now if we could just get the Act Labs shifter support in GPL, I may never
leave the house again...
Thanks again,
> On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 21:02:58 -0400, "David McCarson"
> >I've put the nvopengl.dll 3.68 in the GPL directory, used enditall to end
> >all processes, set the buffer flipping mode to block transfer (for the
> >flickering mirrors). Anything I'm missing, Nos? It's killing me trying
> >figure out what is keeping the FR down. Every other game screams (I've
> >Q3 up in the 80-90 fps), so I am sure it is a setting I am missing with
> >which will dip to about 30fps at the start of a race. Is there a tweak
> >overlooked?
> I had to turn sidebanding off when I play GPL or it locks up. LOD
> slider in the middle. Try turning mip mapping to fastest setting or
> --
> Nos