What about GP2 in a Dos Window under Win98?
For GP2:
From the Windows Control Panel/Game Controllers/General window, click on the
Properties button. Click on the settings tab and be sure the box for Combined
Pedals is checked. (Be sure when driving Grand Prix Legends, to un-check this
box!) I leave the Force Feedback box checked at all times. Click Ok and close
the Control Panel. It is also possible to access the game controller properties
window from the Wingman Profiler Software. There will be a driver soon from
Logitech which will move the Seperate/Combined box to the Profiler window. It's
been said that we will then be able to set it once for each game and forget it.
Start up GP2 and go to the Advanced Control Method screen. Under Steering, set
the Steering Device as Joy A Horizontal and Steering Mode as Analog. Under
Accelerate/Brake, set the Acceleration Device as Joy A Verticle and
Acceleration Mode as Analog. Set Brake Device as Joy A Verticle and again,
Analog Mode.
If you desire to manually shift gears, Gear Change Up - Joy A Fire 2, Gear
Change Down - Joy A Fire 1.
Calibrate your gontroller in the game, save the controller configuration in the
usual way and hit the track.
I hope this works for you. I find the WFF works much better in GP2 than my old
TM GP1. The shifters are excellent, the wheel has good centering action and
feels very precise to me. I can run right out to the edge of the track now,
where before I would have to leave myself a little room for slop in the
MS FF ff effects also work well in F1RS, Viper, NFS3, & CPR- MTM2 (of
>>What about GP2 in a Dos Window under Win98?
>NO Dos support on any currently released FF Wheel,
>that I am aware of... :(
>( rrevved posts from mindspring dot com )