Are you a closet Mac user? I think "insanely great" is a Steve Jobs thing.
Kinda like Gates with his "great software."
Are you a closet Mac user? I think "insanely great" is a Steve Jobs thing.
Kinda like Gates with his "great software."
Regards K.S. Br?nnick
>>Celeron 300A overclocked to 450 and save several hundred dollars.
>Thanks for the advice, but I decided not to go for the Celeron 300A because
>the price was not that different (170 for the OEM with a fan vs 250 $ for
>the retail 350) and I wanted to run at 100 mhz FSB. The ABIT BH6 MB can run
>the 350 at 112 mhz FSB and I probably can get 392 mhz. I looked at the big
>Celeron300A OC survey and although about 80 % succeded in reaching 450 mhz,
>many had to increase the voltage and many had slight instabilities.
>Regards K.S. Br?nnick
> Thanks for the advice, but I decided not to go for the Celeron 300A because
> the price was not that different (170 for the OEM with a fan vs 250 $ for
> the retail 350) and I wanted to run at 100 mhz FSB. The ABIT BH6 MB can run
> the 350 at 112 mhz FSB and I probably can get 392 mhz. I looked at the big
> Celeron300A OC survey and although about 80 % succeded in reaching 450 mhz,
> many had to increase the voltage and many had slight instabilities.
> Regards K.S. Brnick
K.S. Br?nnick
That's why digital gameports such as the PDPI Lightning 4 can be the "cure"
to the problem, and reduce the "jitters" and have the potential to reduce
framerates by a fair percentage. The Digital Gamecards assume the
responsibility of the "Joysitck polling" on-board on their hardware.
"Using the Thrustmaster T2 steering wheel, in a full right turn, at 72
joystick polls per second, more than half the total available CPU time is
spent reading the standard gameport. Note that this leaves less than half of
the computer's time to run the game.
Polling the L4 at the rate of 72 times per second costs a barely perceptible
0.18% of the CPU's available time. Note that this beats the standard
gameport running the T2 steering wheel by roughly 320 times."
What this results in is more CPU availability = Smoother control / faster
If you have a lower-end system, you will see more of an increase with the L4
than if you had a P-450. However, even on the P-450, controller input will
appear smoother.
- Plus you can plug in as many as 4 controllers at the same time!!
- Note: "digital" joysticks are NOT compatible with Digital Gamecards.
- Note: the L4 is currently available ONLY as ISA-based card, so make sure
you have a free ISA-slot available.
I've put together a special deal for us GPL'ers - An INCREDIBLE price, much
lower than the one on PDPI's own website! Details are on my page - you will
need Special PASSWORDS which you'll find on my page in order to order.
.. and shipping is only $4 US for Continental N.America, and $15
-- Exclusive offer: PDPI L4 Digital Gamecard
ONLY $80.95 US with Passwords on my GPL page
Get rid of Jitters & poor framerates today! --
>>GPL is an insanely great game
>Are you a closet Mac user? I think "insanely great" is a Steve Jobs thing.
>Kinda like Gates with his "great software."
Regards K.S. Br?nnick
The Digital Gamecards assume the
Does it work o.k. with a digital joystick like the MS Sidewinder Pro?
Will it replace that lame MS Controller setup menu with its own?
Lutrell :-)
DSR #74
I'm going to email pdpi to find out if you can use the card in "legacy"
mode - which would allow you to use the L4 as a "multi-controller" hub - I
think that's unfortunately the most you would get out of it with a Digital
controller. I'll let you know when I hear.
> Celeron 300a OEM's only $125. PII 300 is about $200, and if you get the right
> serial number, then you're virtually gaurenteed it will run 450.
> > >Celeron 300A overclocked to 450 and save several hundred dollars.
> > Thanks for the advice, but I decided not to go for the Celeron 300A because
> > the price was not that different (170 for the OEM with a fan vs 250 $ for
> > the retail 350) and I wanted to run at 100 mhz FSB. The ABIT BH6 MB can run
> > the 350 at 112 mhz FSB and I probably can get 392 mhz. I looked at the big
> > Celeron300A OC survey and although about 80 % succeded in reaching 450 mhz,
> > many had to increase the voltage and many had slight instabilities.
> > Regards K.S. Br?nnick