I wasn't necessarily saying we "had to restart"....I said I liked that
feature in N2K2 for fun online races. You get 8 guys running a 20 lapper at
Daytona....and 7 guys get taken out in the T1 start.......what the hell fun
is that? Certainly a waste of time to let one driver run around for the
next 19 laps by himself while everyone waits for the race to be over and run
the next one. That's....where this "restart capability" comes in
This is online racing for fun.....no season points.....no "keeping
score"....so I think using the "restart feature" judiciously just makes lots
of sense.
The "three race" format allows the "race event" to have "something" for
everyone. It also allows some guys who maybe don't make it to the exact
start time....to join in any of the three races. Or, maybe they only have
time to run one short race.....so they still can participate. This just
makes sense to me considering the type of racing this is about
(non-league....buddy to buddy racing).
> Personally, I'd rather see one longer race, or two medium ones. Short
> races tend to produce a sprint mentality, and that's rarely good IMO.
> I think falling into the habit of restarting races would be a bad one for
> the RAS races; usually creates more problems than it solves.
> Just my .02
> -John
> > Saturday would be better than Sunday for me as its a NASCAR "race day"
> here
> > in the USA and very often I have lots of people over to watch the race
> (and
> > cook brunch for). Last Sunday was a very rare exception......I would
> almost
> > never make it for Sunday RAS racing. Saturdays.....I could probably run
> in
> > half the events.
> > I run in a group made up of mostly real-world drivers on Monday nights.
> We
> > have just recently switched from running GPL (the guys are almost all
> > racers) to N2K2. So, for the first time in a while I'm dialing-in N2K2
> (or
> > N4-like NASCAR type) online racing. I am very impressed with the N2K2
> > "fixed setups" (unlike I was with N4's).......they seem very good at the
> few
> > places I've tried them (WG, SP, Phoenix, Pocono, Bristol and Tally). My
> lap
> > times at WG and SP are almost the same on the fixed setup as on my own
> > "open" setup. I also really like the fact that the race server can
> > the current session" instantly....including the "race" start. So, if
> > mistakenly get a big pile up at the start.....the race can be instantly
> > "reset" without going through practice-qual-warmup all over
> again....that's
> > a huge bonus to fun racing online - IMHO!
> > What we're doing (and I only suggest this since most of the background
> > these guys is in road racing - not totally unlike the RAS drivers) is
> > following, and this seems to be very enjoyable to all drivers:
> > 1. All races are on fixed setup, full pace, no yellows, no damage and
> > realistic weather....they are all short (15%)....with 20 min practice, 5
> min
> > warmup. (We will change to running yellows and damage...and longer races
> > with at least one pit stop....later in the year when everyone is more
> > comfortable and up to speed running N2K2).
> > 2. We run three races each night as follows:
> > **Race #1: Road Course Race (the race track is chosen from this
> > SP, WG, Pocono or Phoenix....both "road course like" tracks).
> > **Race #2: Always either Daytona or Tally - just for plain old fun
> and
> > grins, door-to-door - racing against good drivers is a blast at these
> > tracks.
> > **Race #3: Any other NASCAR track chosen by consensus after Race #2
> is
> > over.....so nobody has a chance to practice or come up to speed on
> > it...except during the 20 minute practice time allotted. Its a real
> > opener" to who is....and who is not......a good sim driver/race driver!
> No
> > "NASCAR" track can be repeated until all have been run in this Race #3
> > format.
> > With BS chat between races....this all takes about 2 hrs to 2 1/2 hrs to
> > run. Last night, we were all having so much fun we did a fourth race
> > at Tally.
> > I suggest this only because this "format" seems like it would be good
> > the group of drivers that have expressed an interest in running
> > RAS group races in N2K2. Only a thought.
> > Regards,
> > Tom
> > > ...how about we choose the track(s) early so we can get some practice
> time
> > > in during the week? Some of us are new to this NASCAR stuff and have
> > little
> > > experience with many of the tracks (like SP this past Sunday).
> > > David G Fisher