Hey thanks for checking out my server gents. Eldred, for the cpu usage, I
just brought the task manager up to processes and sorted the list by cpu
time and kept an eye on the 'server.exe' thread. Bandwidth wise, I know
that my connection can push exactly 45kB maximum upstream (360kbits/s) and
it was using about half that. I run MRTG stats from one of my boxes to spy
on all the ethernet stats in a nice graphed html format. I probably
shouldn't give out my ip, but look here ->
The N2002 server runs on 'crashbox', the router is 'rasbox' and 'fatman' is
my domain controller, dns, and ftp.
If you are really interested, read more about those boxes here ->
http://www.jasonfagan.com/tech/hardware.html or read more about MRTG stats
here -> http://people.ee.ethz.ch/%7Eoetiker/webtools/mrtg/
About the password, this weekend I've had it off and on, been playing around
with it with a friend who is new to online racing. I plan to make 'ras' the
boss password with no access password. That way it gets some activity from
the general racing crowd, but if one of you ras'ers shows up you can keep it
clean for me.
I've got it in an 8 track loop right now, I'll probably get in the mix here
before too long.
jason fagan
jason -A-T- jasonfagan -D-O-T- com