> Hello lucky user of GP2,
> Tell me is it true that GP2 doesnot suppert 3D accelaration?
> So my Matrox card is for no use???
> Thanks for the reply
> Marco
> Hello lucky user of GP2,
> Tell me is it true that GP2 doesnot suppert 3D accelaration?
> So my Matrox card is for no use???
> Thanks for the reply
> Marco
Hello lucky user of GP2,
Tell me is it true that GP2 doesnot suppert 3D accelaration?
So my Matrox card is for no use???
Thanks for the reply
>> Hello lucky user of GP2,
>> Tell me is it true that GP2 doesnot suppert 3D accelaration?
>> So my Matrox card is for no use???
>> Thanks for the reply
>> Marco
>That's correct.
Tjark Kalow
Hi Marco !
From what I've seen (and I've been told) GP2 does NOT support
3D accels; even worse, it doesn't support VESA extensions (1.2
or 2.0) and this sounds bad since I've heard of good improvements
by using UNIVBE (or SDD52) with Quake or DN3D.
Perhaps, a DirectX Win95 release should fix this problem ...
Strhold Sistemi EDP
Reggio Emilia ITALY
Acca', nisciuno e' fess !
(TOM - the red cat, Silvester's friend)