To those who has GP2, please answer the following 10 questions for the sake of those who haven't
got a chance to play yet.
1. Can the car go flying very easily?
2. Can you hear the noise of your competitors' engines?
3. How does the AI perform.... intelligently?
4. How realistic is the pit stop?
5. What driving aids are available?
6. Is the physics of the car vividly modeled? (e.g. runs slower with full tank of fuel)
7. Is the spectacular crash similar to ICR2 or better?
8. How thick is the manual and does it include car setup info?
9. Is the performance analysis useful?
10. Overall rating of GP2 as compared to ICR2?
- which one is more exciting?
- which one has better car physics?
Thank you in advance. I hope to play GP2 soon. GP2 is not in Canada yet. I have checked Radio
Shack(will be available on July 30) and Minds Computer(don't know yet). Canadians, do you know
where to get it?
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Know yourself, know your enemies, and you will win 100 battles - Sun Tzi