Are you using opengl and have an ATI video card?
I could never even get the 3dconfig to finish opengl testing.
> > I have the Aero88 mod loaded and all works fine. Went to run some Cup
> > races but when I select Player info to change the player car, NR2003
> > crashes every time.
> > Using XP Home.
> > Is there a problem of corruption in the player.ini file I should look
> > at?
> > Thanks if anyone has seen this, knows what to do.
> > PS, no problems getting into the Aero88 Player info.
> Are you using opengl and have an ATI video card?
> I could never even get the 3dconfig to finish opengl testing.
> dh
Anyone not getting the steering wheel in Aero88 in outside
view/replays, etc? Looks fine when you view the cars in the Oponents
menu, etc. Is it something missing from the mod?
Thanks again.
I've got almost the same card, it works fine here. I changed aero cars,
then went to the main menu, switched to Nascar and loaded a track, also
checked the player info lockup.
One thing I would try, when changing from Mod to Mod, is never stay in
the same session. If you run Aero then want to do Cup, exit the whole sim.
You could even experiement and see if it's better to change from Aero
BEFORE exiting or better to reboot the sim and then change to Nascar.
These are just wild ideas since I can't get mine to duplicate your
I have noticed sometimes, when you create a new driver in a mod, it
defaults to NAscar, so you have to exit..move back to the mod and then load
the new driver up. Just a hiccup that never really bothered me...and I
forgot to look for the wheel. Heck most guys try and get rid of the dang
thing. :)
dave henrie