How can I change the players car? I don't like Fords!
Thanks for any help.
Dan Bourget
Indianapolis, In.
How can I change the players car? I don't like Fords!
Thanks for any help.
Dan Bourget
Indianapolis, In.
Click on the logo to cycle between Ford, Chevy, and Pontiac.
Emory University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative
Nascar Setups Page:
> How can I change the players car? I don't like Fords!
> Thanks for any help.
> --
> Dan Bourget
> Indianapolis, In.
> Just go to driver info where it shows the car and put the mouse
> on the car makers symbol and click that *** Ford to a CHEVY!!!!
> How can I change the players car? I don't like Fords!
> Thanks for any help.
> --
> Dan Bourget
> Indianapolis, In.