Noonans site today?
The Pits -
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
I have the site bookmarked and am waiting anxiously for
any sign of a converter :)
> sites, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't release it.
Quite frankly I don't understand why the talented people of the
community bothers anymore, I'd chucked it in ages ago, I guess the
appreciation from the regular guys out there is what keeps them going,
and I'm not talking only about David Noonan and the rest of the guys at
"The Pits" either, there are plenty of sites out there who do a great
service to the community, so maybe that's what we all should do, head on
over to our fav sites and show our appreciation for all the work they do
for the rest of us
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
> Scott
> PA-Scott
> The Pits -
> --
> Scott B. Husted
> PA-Scott
> ICQ# 4395450
> > im dribbling and drooling here, any news on just what appears on Dave
> > Noonans site today?
> > pez
And, btw, one of his so called "friends" is the one screwing him over,
that's what ticks me off. Someone he trusts is sending out his stuff to
other people. I hope he starts putting the name of every person he sends the
file to in each individual exe of the converter and then he'll know who's
doing it.
Just an opinion,
> Scott
> PA-Scott
> The Pits -
> --
> Scott B. Husted
> PA-Scott
> ICQ# 4395450
> > im dribbling and drooling here, any news on just what appears on Dave
> > Noonans site today?
> > pez
Although a part of me could understand the disgust of having you're
properties outright stolen, Like Phillip say's who is Dave writing the
for ? guys like myself who have paid for the previous converters and are
forward to his new project, or himself.
My assumption is that Dave gets a good deal of pleasure out of his work
with the efforts involved, and I can only hope that he releases his current
project to
the paying public.
He definitely deserves to make some money for his efforts, That's free
at its absolute best :) God I love the freedom to better my own situation
If unscrupulous types want to post his work, then I for one would be
happy to let
Dave know of the situation so he could take appropriate actions.
It would be a shame indeed if a minority of "***Heads" screws up a good
for the majority of honest people out there.
Best regards
TBone server
Bring on them road courses :))
> And, btw, one of his so called "friends" is the one screwing him over,
> that's what ticks me off. Someone he trusts is sending out his stuff to
> other people. I hope he starts putting the name of every person he sends
> file to in each individual exe of the converter and then he'll know who's
> doing it.
> Just an opinion,
> Phillip
> > sites, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't release it.
> > Scott
> > PA-Scott
> > The Pits -
> > --
> > Scott B. Husted
> > PA-Scott
> > ICQ# 4395450
> >
> > > im dribbling and drooling here, any news on just what appears on Dave
> > > Noonans site today?
> > > pez
If he charges for it - himself. If he doesnt, Himself and the community
> > the community or for himself???
> If he charges for it - himself. If he doesnt, Himself and the community
> Doug
I'm simply stating my opinion as a member of The Pits and knowing all the
troubles Jan goes through attempting to keep people from stealing others
work. Dave and all the others at the Pits (And others who share and work
with The Pits) deserve better than to have their content blatantly copied
and posted on some***ant sim racing website when it is clearly displayed
all over the Pits about not doing so. They could simply provide a link to
the site and be done with it.
Not to mention when people use the converter to convert tracks, and then
post those tracks for download. Whether Dave charges or not is irrelevant
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
cheers AT.
> Achim
> > im dribbling and drooling here, any news on just what appears on Dave
> > Noonans site today?
> > pez
Find the modded track for Heat or better yet get the very cheap AMA
SUperbike if you really want to drive Road America. Those old ICR2 efforts
were good back then, but are woefully inaacurate by even F1 200x standards.
dave henrie
Papyrus was the FIRST company that got the illusion of elevation right.
After running ICR2's Laguna then playing the CPR demo...I thought the CPR
track was flat. There was zero immersion compared to Papy. The biggest
problem with their Laguna is the track has changed it's configuration
sligtly since it was modeled. they did a great job for it's time, but the
last turn is different, the pit lane entrance has changed, there are several
items that make it not horrible just out of date.
Now Mid Ohio and Road America...those are more out sync with today's
real track, there are many elevation changes that are just not there, the
bend at the end of the backstraight of Mid Ohio is really a short straight
itself in ICR2 etc etc
The last version of Portland that papy did for the N3 trucks was SPOT
on. I wish they could get some private group together to redo all the old
icr2 tracks with the accuracy that they displayed with the updated Portland.
Street circuits like Long Beach have whole new sections that don't
exist in the old tracks....
Hopefully the F1 2001 based Cart World Series is still being
developed...(ANYBODY KNOW????)
At least then we may get some decent American tracks.
dave henrie