On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:21:58 +0200, Sebastien Tixier
>>Hi all,
>>I'm thinking of picking up a new racing game for my PS2 (so not really
>>sim-oriented). I've seen 3 titles:
>>- Crashed
>>- Burnout 2
>>- Ferrari 355 Challenge
> V-Rally3 ... ok i'm not objective on this one ;o)
Hehe, got yours actually, but I'm not really a rally-driver. Must get
into it I guess. :)
I don't have a wheel for the PS2 though. Hm, I do have an USB Modena
for a Mac, which might fit. Or the ActLabs ForceRS USB, but that isn't
even recognized on the Mac. :(
Thanks for the tips everyone.
DTM Race Driver seems indeed a little too 'velocity of vehicle =
direction of joystick' whereas on that very same CD as Gregor had
(nice to see you back online!) I did indeed try NFS but failed to get
rid of those cops. ;-)
I may try Burnout2, although the demo I had of Burnout 1 seemed to
keep giving these damn deadlines that you had to meet, instead of
having the opportunity to kick some vehicles out of the way for fun.
(just like Stuntman keeps kicking you out of some cool jumping with
these quick timeouts; a 'cruise around' mode would have been nice).
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racer.nl/
Pencil art : http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery/