About the most exciting thing about the 3dfx patch is to watch
the 3dfx logo spin. The only real improvement is that any jaggies
that were present are now really gone. The cars & track labeling
are blurry, and the crowd is now faded so that it almost looks the
same as if there is no one in the stands. The worst part is that
the framerate is *DEFINITELY* worse. This is rebooting into
DOS. This is also not what a 3dfx patch should be about. I am
not thrilled about those 2 lines in the incar***pit when you are
using anti-aliasing. The graphics should be *MUCH* better than
the original version and the framerate should be *MUCH*
improved. IMHO this is a freaking joke, especially when compared
to a real 3dfx game like F1RS. I am thinking that this is a port
of a rendition 3D version and not really a true 3dfx Glide version.
Bogus. Bogus. Bogus. All it takes is racing against a full 39
(or whatever at the short tracks) car field at Martinsville to see
the performance difference.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.