I race in a league now with 50 cars on track at once.
I race in another league with 34 cars on grid (limited to that only for
"historical" reasons GP'79)
12 is seriously NOT enough. I would quit a league that only had 12
competitors per race.
30? I may have missed that - I apologize if I did. 30 seems closer to what
I would hope for.... but still a long way from anything NEW or
For Jolly Roger, or whatever moniker you are using today ----
I have told you already that I am not this David Fischer that you seem to
have an unnatural attachment to.
If you feel better or somehow self-satisfied by beleiving that I am, go
ahead and do so. It doesn't change the fact that I am not that person, nor
does it change my opinions, and finally it does not change my impression
that you are just a loud-mouthed,***y (probably with NOTHING to back it
up) little mouthpiece with a lack of repect for anyone else and of little or
no value to this world.
>I think you're being a bit dim. 12 to 14 closely matched cars and drivers
>is plenty to race against.
> Some of the beta testers have stated that they've raced with big grids. I
> think the number 30 was mentioned.
> This sounds just like the kind of stuff David G Fisher used to come out
> with when GPL first arrived.
> Here's a reminder from ten years hence:
>>GPL is not the first racing sim/game to offer TCP/IP racing. It's far from
>>it. Yet, even though it has the advantage of being the most recent
>>release, it's performance on the net is disappointing. I'm at the point
>>now with GPL online that I don't even care what the reasons are for
>>performance problems. If too much info is being sent, then they should of
>>cut back on the unnecessary info and just sent the essential. They should
>>of simply copied whatever other sim developers did that works.
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Of course where was nothing wrong with GPL's net code and when that became
> apparent, he just switched his attack to a different angle.
>> Hmmmmm
>> Not sure quite what to say other than to comment on how it seems that
>> no-one will answer the question.
>> (at least Uwe honestly stated 12-14 in his experience T.Y. Uwe) --
>> Everyone else provides "fluff" responses IMHO
>> "The system is far more complicated than a single question like "How many
>> can race at once"
>> -- this sounds like a Bush statement -- it has ZERO information or facts,
>> but lovely propaganda.
>> "The lower series (which they all are right now) have smaller fields (and
>> shorter races in some cases). The top-tiers will be full tracks. :)"
>> -- this again really tells me (us) nothing at all. Zero facts. Or
>> should one assume a "full track" is 14 drivers (see above)?
>> iRacing must be very complicated if no-one can, or will, admit to the
>> MAXIMUM NUMBER of drivers online at once.
>> I am asking what would appear to me to be a simple enough question. I've
>> worked in the computer industry for 25 years.... I would feel pretty
>> uncomfortable using the answers provided here to present my software to
>> anyone.
>> "It's complicated"
>> "It's gets bigger and better later"
>> It looks like .... "smoke and mirrors".
>> Please ~~ anyone ~~ that can answer a simple question. Please do so.
>> It would seem clear enough to me that BETA testers would have actually
>> tested how many users/drivers the sim can support online at once. Am I
>> crazy? Wasn't this tested ?? If not.... who and what WAS tested?
>> Call me frustrated..
>> -==-
>>> > What kind of numbers online Larry?
>>> > Will it support 50+ 60+ ?? drivers in a race?
>>> > Has that been tested? What's the highest number you have been online
>>> > with?
>>> > Thanks in advance
>>> Earlier on (about last year)iRacingheld some fun races with 40+
>>> drivers which seemed to work out fine, in the current format the
>>> maximum number of racers is limited to 12-14 I believe, depending on
>>> the series and kind of track being run (roadie or oval). A larger
>>> field will automatically be split on to several race servers (say you
>>> have 16 peeps registered for a 12 max race, you'll end up on a server
>>> with 8 racers each).
>>> Cheers, uwe
>>> --
>> The lower series (which they all are right now) have smaller fields
>> (and shorter races in some cases). The top-tiers will be full
>> tracks. :)