I agree with you.
The sounds of CART:PR are a 9/10 and F1RS are a 3/10. The new stereo sounds
that fans have created are a gigantic improvement, but still only bring it
up to a 5 or 6/10. The F1RS sounds (original or patched) don't have any
timbre to them--they are just straight "noise." The CART:PR engine has
distinctive idle, full throttle and cruising sounds as well as a vastly
superior dynamic range in the recordings that were used. F1RS sounds like a
saw not an internal combustion engine.
The sense of speed in CART:PR is also superior. Although the graphics
overall are superior in F1RS, including the critical how far up the road can
you see clearly and how clearly can you see other cars, CART:PR's sensation
of blasting past objects and walls is unsurpassed (with or without the Glide
patch). However, a very fast machine is needed to get over the low
frame-rate hurdle of CART:PR. With low frame rates, CART:PR just plain
sucks. (I have a K6-233, Canopus Pure3D).
If F1RS had the sounds from CART, it would rank a 96% on my scale (which
ignores the horrid menu system). All it needs is to get rid of the "canned"
spins that occur when you oversteer (a la GP2), since it is next to
impossible to recover from the beginnings of a spin. I don't like doing a
180 at the very tail end of a slide when I am practically stopped by the
time the car magically spins on some invisible axis and leaves me pointing
the wrong way. With those gone, I would give it a 98%.
CART:PR is a great driving experience if you have the track to yourself.
The handling model is better than F1RS, the sounds are great, and the
graphics are a bit blocky but make up for it in the sensation of speed
department. The horrid AI and arm's length list of glaring bugs and
unfinished features allow only a 65% in my books.
>I picked up F1RS about a week ago and have been thrilled with it. Graphics
>are top notch, AI is good, configurablity is good--basically, it's one hot
>game. So, yesterday, I loaded up CPR (which I had retired after seeing
>F1RS) for what I thought would be one last hurrah, BUT...despite CPR's
>AI and duller graphics, compared to F1RS, it absolutely excels in giving
>rush of speed. I pulled up Surfer's Paradise (using the excellent modified
>track available at http://members.home.net/getzen/) and was dizzied by the
>sensation of speed. Also the sound in CPR, after playing F1RS, is sooo
>better at conveying a feeling of acceleration.
>After seeing F1RS, I thought CPR would quietly erode away on my hard drive,
>but now I'm going to give it a second chance. Now that I'm over F1RS's eye
>candy, game play and the thrill of racing has, one again, become most
>important. All CPR needs at this point is some beefed up AI and improved
>frame rate for it to jump to the front.